Branca: Selections from the Symphonies

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Atavistic Records
Erschienen 1997

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Symphony No. 2 "The Peak of the Sacred": 2nd Movement (Excerpt) 9:22
2 Symphony No. 3 "Gloria", music for the first 127 intervals of the harmonic series: 2nd Movement (Excerpt) 17:22
3 Symphony No. 5 "Describing Planes of an Expanding Hypersphere": 4th Movement 7:43
4 Symphony No. 6 "Devil Choirs at the Gates of Heaven": 4th Movement 4:37
5 Symphony No. 6 "Devil Choirs at the Gates of Heaven": 5th Movement 12:00
6 Symphony No. 8 "The Mystery": 1st Movement (Excerpt) 8:06
7 Symphony No. 10 "The Mystery, Part 2": 2nd Movement 14:32

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Symphony No. 2 "The Peak of the Sacred" - 2nd Movement (Excerpt) 9:22
2 Symphony No. 3 "Gloria", music for the first 127 intervals of the harmonic series - 2nd Movement (Excerpt) 17:22
3 Symphony No. 5 "Describing Planes of an Expanding Hypersphere" - 4th Movement 7:43
4 Symphony No. 6 "Devil Choirs at the Gates of Heaven" - 4th Movement 4:37
5 Symphony No. 6 "Devil Choirs at the Gates of Heaven" - 5th Movement 12:00
6 Symphony No. 8 "The Mystery" - 1st Movement (Excerpt) 8:06
7 Symphony No. 10 "The Mystery, Part 2" - 2nd Movement 14:32

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