Britten: Canticle II; 7 Sonnets of Michelangelo; Argento: To Be Sung Upon the Water

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Phoenix USA
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet 28:25
2 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 17:09
3 Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac, for alto, tenor & piano, Op. 51 14:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Prologue: Shadow and Substance 4:05
1 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Prologue: Shadow and Substance 4:05
2 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - The Lake at Evening 3:30
2 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - The Lake at Evening 3:30
3 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Music on the Water 3:11
3 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Music on the Water 3:11
4 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Fair is the Swan 2:01
4 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Fair is the Swan 2:01
5 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - In Remembrance of Schubert 2:56
5 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - In Remembrance of Schubert 2:56
6 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Hymn near the Rapids 2:48
6 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Hymn near the Rapids 2:48
7 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - The Lake at Night 4:13
7 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - The Lake at Night 4:13
8 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Epilogue: de Profundis 5:41
8 To Be Sung Upon the Water, for high voice, piano & clarinet - Epilogue: de Profundis 5:41
9 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XVI: Sì come nella penna e nell' inchiostro 2:00
9 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XVI: Sì come nella penna e nell' inchiostro 2:00
10 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXI: A che più debb io mai l'intensa voglia 1:28
10 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXI: A che più debb io mai l'intensa voglia 1:28
11 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXX: Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume 4:01
11 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXX: Veggio co' bei vostri occhi un dolce lume 4:01
12 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto LV: Tu sa' ch'io so, signior mie, che tu sai 1:52
12 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto LV: Tu sa' ch'io so, signior mie, che tu sai 1:52
13 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXVIII: Rendete a gli occhi miei, o fonte o fiume 1:51
13 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXVIII: Rendete a gli occhi miei, o fonte o fiume 1:51
14 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXII: S'un casto amor, s una pietà superna 1:16
14 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXXII: S'un casto amor, s una pietà superna 1:16
15 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXIV: Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede 4:41
15 Sonnets (7) of Michelangelo, for voice & piano, Op. 22 - Sonetto XXIV: Spirto ben nato, in cui si specchia e vede 4:41
16 Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac, for alto, tenor & piano, Op. 51 14:51
16 Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac, for alto, tenor & piano, Op. 51 14:51

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