Cage: Bird Cage

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label EMF

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds 54:44

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 1 13:16
2 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 2 3:48
3 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 3 5:13
4 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 4 6:48
5 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 5 1:57
6 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 6 14:33
7 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 7 2:23
8 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 8 2:16
9 Bird Cage, for 12 tapes & 1 performer in a space with freely moving people and birds - Part 9 4:30

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