
Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Sony Music

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cinderella, television musical: Overture   -
2 Cinderella, television musical: In my own little corner   -
3 Cinderella, television musical: The prince is giving a ball   -
4 Cinderella, television musical: Royal dressing room scene   -
5 Cinderella, television musical: Impossible   -
6 Cinderella, television musical: It's possible   -
7 Cinderella, television musical: Gavotte   -
8 Cinderella, television musical: Ten minutes ago   -
9 Cinderella, television musical: Stepsisters' lament   -
10 Cinderella, television musical: Waltz for a ball   -
11 Cinderella, television musical: Do I love you because you're beautiful   -
12 Cinderella, television musical: When you're driving through the moonlight   -
13 Cinderella, television musical: A lovely night   -
14 Cinderella, television musical: The search   -
15 Cinderella, television musical: The wedding   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cinderella, television musical   -
2 Cinderella, television musical   -
3 Cinderella, television musical   -
4 Cinderella, television musical   -
5 Cinderella, television musical   -
6 Cinderella, television musical   -
7 Cinderella, television musical   -
8 Cinderella, television musical   -
9 Cinderella, television musical   -
10 Cinderella, television musical   -
11 Cinderella, television musical   -
12 Cinderella, television musical   -
13 Cinderella, television musical   -
14 Cinderella, television musical   -
15 Cinderella, television musical   -

Bewertungen zu Cinderella

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