Copland: Appalachian Spring; The Tender Land Suite; Morton Gould: Fall River Legend

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label RCA
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra 25:30
2 The Tender Land, suite from the opera 20:50
3 Fall River Legend, ballet 20:29
4 Latin-American Symphonette for orchestra: Tango 5:45
5 Latin-American Symphonette for orchestra: Guaracha 3:12

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Introduction of characters] 3:01
2 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Display of action] 2:55
3 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Pas de deux for the bride and groom] 3:54
4 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Revival meeting] 3:29
5 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Bride's solo] 4:02
6 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Reprise of the introduction] 1:17
7 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Shaker theme, The Gift To Be Simple, and variations underscoring scenes of daily activity for the 3:03
8 Appalachian Spring, concert suite for full orchestra - [Coda] 3:49
9 The Tender Land, suite from the opera - No. 1, Introduction and Love Music 10:18
10 The Tender Land, suite from the opera - No. 2, Party Scene 4:42
11 The Tender Land, suite from the opera - No. 3, Finale: The Promise of Living 5:50
12 Fall River Legend, ballet - Prologue and Waltzes 3:18
13 Fall River Legend, ballet - Elegy 3:20
14 Fall River Legend, ballet - Church Social 3:26
15 Fall River Legend, ballet - Hymnal Variations 4:31
16 Fall River Legend, ballet - Cotillion 3:28
17 Fall River Legend, ballet - Epilogue 2:26
18 Latin-American Symphonette for orchestra - Tango 5:45
19 Latin-American Symphonette for orchestra - Guaracha 3:12

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