Czech Christmas Arias and Pastorals

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Klassisch (1750-1819)
Label Panton Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Pastorella in C major, "Hi, hi, one and the other" 7:43
2 Pastorella in D for harpsichord and orchestra 5:03
3 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in A major, "Good night, little Jesus" 10:41
4 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in D major, "Hi, hi, John" 4:45
5 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in C major, "Come ye, John, Peter and Paul" 6:18
6 Pastorella Bohemica in Dis 2:51
7 Pastorella Bohemica in A 3:45
8 Aria de nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi 9:21
9 Usni, malé poupátko (Sleep, Little Bud), song in D major for voice & organ 2:30
10 Motetto pastorale in A 3:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Pastorella in C major, "Hi, hi, one and the other" 7:43
2 Pastorella in D for harpsichord and orchestra 5:03
3 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in A major, "Good night, little Jesus" 10:41
4 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in D major, "Hi, hi, John" 4:45
5 Pastorella for harpsichord & orchestra in C major, "Come ye, John, Peter and Paul" 6:18
6 Pastorella Bohemica in Dis 2:51
7 Pastorella Bohemica in A 3:45
8 Aria de nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi 9:21
9 Usni, malé poupátko (Sleep, Little Bud), song in D major for voice & organ 2:30
10 Motetto pastorale in A 3:51

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