Daniel and the Lions

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Fone

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Daniel and the Lions 70:34

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Daniel and the Lions - Quarte estampie real/Deuxieme dance/La terche estampie real/L'aurtrier m'iere levar/La quinte estam 11:14
2 Daniel and the Lions - Entry of Belshazzar's court 8:31
3 Daniel and the Lions - Entry of Belshazzar's lament 4:00
4 Daniel and the Lions - Entry of Daniel 9:24
5 Daniel and the Lions - Exit of Belshazzar's queen and the court 2:21
6 Daniel and the Lions - Interlude: Belshazzar's lament 4:09
7 Daniel and the Lions - Entry of Darius' court 4:28
8 Daniel and the Lions - Presentation of Daniel 3:21
9 Daniel and the Lions - Daniel's accusers 4:32
10 Daniel and the Lions - Daniel is thrown to the Lions 1:19
11 Daniel and the Lions - Visitation of the angel 6:25
12 Daniel and the Lions - Daniel's salvation and prophesy 4:04
13 Daniel and the Lions - Te deum 6:46

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