Dark Shadows: The Complete Dark Shadows Music Soundtrack Collection

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
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Label MPI Home Video
Erschienen 2006

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Dark Shadows, television score 462:24

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Dark Shadows, television score - Opening Theme :29
2 Dark Shadows, television score - Closing Theme 1:11
3 Dark Shadows, television score - Creepy tension - tremolo - strings 1:33
4 Dark Shadows, television score - Same - lower - darker 1:37
5 Dark Shadows, television score - More tension 1:36
6 Dark Shadows, television score - String start - to woodwind pattern - poignant - "Maggie Evans" 1:42
7 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds - poignant - Romantic - wall To wall 1:43
8 Dark Shadows, television score - Lower register - romantic neutral 1:41
9 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic Curtain :16
10 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :15
11 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings to high hotes :20
12 Dark Shadows, television score - Emphatic start to dramatic build - pyramid :20
13 Dark Shadows, television score - String tremolo - very nervous - Build and swell 1:47
14 Dark Shadows, television score - Tension - "Oh, Oh" :16
15 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :16
16 Dark Shadows, television score - Waiting, circular pattern - intro :19
17 Dark Shadows, television score - String intro :11
18 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings intro to woodwinds - curtain :18
19 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :18
20 Dark Shadows, television score - Cello solo suite - poignant 1:34
21 Dark Shadows, television score - Same but slower 1:36
22 Dark Shadows, television score - Same 1:42
23 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant woodwinds 1:38
24 Dark Shadows, television score - Good For hypnotic trance scenes 1:25
25 Dark Shadows, television score - Tense sting to suspense :15
26 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :15
27 Dark Shadows, television score - Alto Flute solo suite - sad, poignant 1:44
28 Dark Shadows, television score - Tension to celeste bridge :18
29 Dark Shadows, television score - "my, oh, my" curtain, high pitched :12
30 Dark Shadows, television score - Pyramid tremolo, quiet echo :18
31 Dark Shadows, television score - Pyramid to sting, three repeats :19
32 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar to 19 - bigger sting :19
33 Dark Shadows, television score - Wall to wall neutral - happy in feeling 1:44
34 Dark Shadows, television score - Another version - little darker 1:52
35 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant curtain :13
36 Dark Shadows, television score - Cello run to sustained note - curtain :18
37 Dark Shadows, television score - Tension drums to clarinet - bridge :16
38 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :14
39 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting staccato held note :15
40 Dark Shadows, television score - "Woodwind worries" light tension scenes 1:47
41 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar 1:49
42 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar 1:41
43 Dark Shadows, television score - same as previous, just woodwinds 1:41
44 Dark Shadows, television score - My favorite of the five 1:48
45 Dark Shadows, television score - Weird, spooky, circular pattern :41
46 Dark Shadows, television score - Flashback, piercing, spook :25
47 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :26
48 Dark Shadows, television score - Eerie, mysterious pattern piece :25
49 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :25
50 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow "old folks", domestic problem, sad 1:33
51 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar, little darker 1:39
52 Dark Shadows, television score - Stealthy, sad tension 1:35
53 Dark Shadows, television score - Same 1:35
54 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum start, goes into melody with drums under 1:53
55 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar, but slower, useable for dark tension 1:38
56 Dark Shadows, television score - Faster and more frantic version 1:05
57 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar 1:38
58 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with strange pattern underneath 1:06
59 Dark Shadows, television score - Happiness, romance, love, curtains out 1:58
60 Dark Shadows, television score - Solo clarinet - introspective, poignant 1:41
61 Dark Shadows, television score - Dissonant wall to wall, neutral 1:36
62 Dark Shadows, television score - Same 1:35
63 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral curtain :15
64 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral, wall to wall woodwinds 1:40
65 Dark Shadows, television score - Darker wall to wall - neutral 1:40
66 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral wall to wall 1:36
67 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings and brass wall to wall - sad 1:39
68 Dark Shadows, television score - Lower register of same 1:34
69 Dark Shadows, television score - Romantic, happy "I think we're in lov" 1:40
70 Dark Shadows, television score - Prettier and sweeter 1:37
71 Dark Shadows, television score - Spook vibes & high F.G., dreamy - flashback :49
72 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :49
73 Dark Shadows, television score - Mystery, pattern ends with sting good suspense :37
74 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :37
75 Dark Shadows, television score - Extended 41 1:45
76 Dark Shadows, television score - 3 Holds - emphatic curtain :15
77 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with reverb :16
78 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting or curtain :10
79 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow tense - horn to sting to vibes :14
80 Dark Shadows, television score - Climbing cello run to sting shocker :11
81 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending poignant - "oh dear, oh dear" :15
82 Dark Shadows, television score - Big dramatic curtain :18
83 Dark Shadows, television score - Pleasant problem - bridge :18
84 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with violin ending :18
85 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral curtain, time piece :22
86 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending brass to sting held note :15
87 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending poignant wall to wall neutral 1:41
88 Dark Shadows, television score - Same without strings 1:41
89 Dark Shadows, television score - Romantic, sweet 1:35
90 Dark Shadows, television score - Same 1:42
91 Dark Shadows, television score - Stringy and slower variation 1:44
92 Dark Shadows, television score - Romantic flutes, little tension 1:45
93 Dark Shadows, television score - Good spooky tension - very useable 1:38
94 Dark Shadows, television score - Stringy, poignant, wall to wall 1:45
95 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant woodwind bridge with repeats :21
96 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant woodwind bridge with repeats 1:39
97 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with reverb 1:35
98 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :10
99 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting to brass, combat sound, mysterioso 1:39
100 Dark Shadows, television score - High flute - wall to wall - neutral romance 1:32
101 Dark Shadows, television score - Same lead, with atonal background 1:33
102 Dark Shadows, television score - Old folks, poignant, stringy, slight romantic tension 1:48
103 Dark Shadows, television score - Slower version 1:40
104 Dark Shadows, television score - Mystery, ascending pyramid to chords :20
105 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :21
106 Dark Shadows, television score - Ominous solo timpani :22
107 Dark Shadows, television score - Ascending pyramid - good bridge :19
108 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :10
109 Dark Shadows, television score - Romantic :15
110 Dark Shadows, television score - Build and drop to 3 light chords, bridge :17
111 Dark Shadows, television score - Tension with high pitched notes :18
112 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting to vibes :14
113 Dark Shadows, television score - Drums build to sting :23
114 Dark Shadows, television score - Same but with bigger sting :26
115 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic, big tension curtain with echo :15
116 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :15
117 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting tremolo with muted horns :20
118 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow Juke Box - Blue Whale 2:32
119 Dark Shadows, television score - Med. Slow Blue Whale 2:20
120 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow Blue Whale 2:20
121 Dark Shadows, television score - Fast Blue Whale 3:52
122 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow Blue Whale 2:51
123 Dark Shadows, television score - Show sub - theme 1:39
124 Dark Shadows, television score - Same 1:41
125 Dark Shadows, television score - Wailing Theremin (Angelique) 1:43
126 Dark Shadows, television score - High pitched eerie Theremin :43
127 Dark Shadows, television score - Same as above - more eerie :42
128 Dark Shadows, television score - 4 beats to Theremin weird, sad tension :38
129 Dark Shadows, television score - Same as 79 - more spooky :39
130 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin wail :22
131 Dark Shadows, television score - Angelique's spook 1:14
132 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin whee :12
133 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending dreamlike Theremin :20
134 Dark Shadows, television score - Wall to wall woodwind clarinet 1:35
135 Dark Shadows, television score - Wall to wall spooky theremin 1:39
136 Dark Shadows, television score - Like 84 1:40
137 Dark Shadows, television score - Little faster spooky tension - confusion 1:00
138 Dark Shadows, television score - Same but lower pitched - good ghostly spook 1:02
139 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin on top with circular strings - time piece :52
140 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :53
141 Dark Shadows, television score - Josette's spook 1:35
142 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - high note - low note - last 2 bars of 3 :09
143 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds - high note - low note same as 3b-87 :09
144 Dark Shadows, television score - Strong chord to accent cut-off - last bar of 4 :08
145 Dark Shadows, television score - Easy Chord - strings - woodwind added - 1st bar of 5 :08
146 Dark Shadows, television score - Chord (N.G.) 1st bar of 7 :07
147 Dark Shadows, television score - Two hits easy - hold on second - last two bars of 7 :12
148 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds four note melody - last 2 bars of 8 :10
149 Dark Shadows, television score - Celli - series of notes (N.G.) 3rd bar of 11 :08
150 Dark Shadows, television score - Celli - low note to middle - last 2 bars of 11 :13
151 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings tremolo with vibe hit - short - 1st bar of 14 :07
152 Dark Shadows, television score - Same as 96 - 3 times - 1st bar of 14 :17
153 Dark Shadows, television score - Alto flute melody - 1st 2 bars of 16 :09
154 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings Tremolo crescendo to cut-off - 1st 2 bars of 19 :11
155 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - two soft - one last 2 bars of 19 :11
156 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - tremolo crescendo to cut-off - 1st bars of 19 same as 99 but not so strong :06
157 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - series of notes - last two bars of 29 :15
158 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - sustained note same as last note in 102 last bar in 29 :10
159 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwind progression up with low strings punct. Last 2 bars of 30 :12
160 Dark Shadows, television score - Same as last note in 104 - last bar in 30 :08
161 Dark Shadows, television score - Flutes and bassoon. A couple of notes - dissonant bars 10 & 11 of 33 :09
162 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds two notes - low strings - last bar of 35 :11
163 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds - last 3 bars of 37 :14
164 Dark Shadows, television score - Same as 108 with low strings punction. Last 3 bars of 37 :11
165 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings tremolo w/bass punct. - 1st bar of 40 - 4x :16
166 Dark Shadows, television score - Strong strings tremolo high w/punct. last bar of 41 :10
167 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwings & vibes - Strong hit & sus. Last bar of 42 :10
168 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo strings, chord-celeste & Fl. Fig. :11
169 Dark Shadows, television score - Med. Hard stab. Last bar of 44 - sting :07
170 Dark Shadows, television score - Low hit sus. - Woodwinds - strings last bar of 46 :10
171 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings, hit sus. - vibe - last bar of 49 :08
172 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwind series of notes - tremolo strings - 1st 2 bars of 56 :13
173 Dark Shadows, television score - Horn & Trb. Same as 117 (almost) Last 2 bars of 56 :12
174 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings tremolo with hit & celeste - Last 2 bars of 57 :09
175 Dark Shadows, television score - Trb. Hit - tremolo strings - Last bar of 58 :10
176 Dark Shadows, television score - Flutes (2) short melody - lLast 3 1/2 bars of 59 :16
177 Dark Shadows, television score - Tymp Hit - strings tremolo - last bar of 70 :08
178 Dark Shadows, television score - Trb & low strings. Four notes up to strings tremolo. First 2 bars of 70 :10
179 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings tremolo - last part pf 123. Last 2 bars of 70 :09
180 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings tremolo - short hold - Last bar of 71 :07
181 Dark Shadows, television score - Theramin gliss up 2X (Cue 81) :17
182 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwinds - two notes hold - last bar 2 1/4 of 83 :12
183 Dark Shadows, television score - Very spooky tense, situations nervous, circular repetitive 1:41
184 Dark Shadows, television score - Same little faster 1:35
185 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral, almost romantic 1:36
186 Dark Shadows, television score - Same little slower 1:50
187 Dark Shadows, television score - Drums, string tremolo - pending danger 1:35
188 Dark Shadows, television score - Curtain - semi-dramatic :12
189 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic sting - Much used curtain :09
190 Dark Shadows, television score - Anger - tension "halting heart" series of repeated notes 1:30
191 Dark Shadows, television score - Faster version 1:36
192 Dark Shadows, television score - Version with reverb 1:50
193 Dark Shadows, television score - Much faster 1:06
194 Dark Shadows, television score - Big dramatic sting - curtain :08
195 Dark Shadows, television score - Anger, tension - starts eith sting - Celeste 1:41
196 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :09
197 Dark Shadows, television score - Small Sting :10
198 Dark Shadows, television score - Vicki's theme - poignant wall to wall woodwinds 1:37
199 Dark Shadows, television score - Same - played by clarinet 1:30
200 Dark Shadows, television score - Vicki curtain :17
201 Dark Shadows, television score - Vicki curtain :09
202 Dark Shadows, television score - Stringy sentimental ending :19
203 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :13
204 Dark Shadows, television score - Pensive neutral curtain :21
205 Dark Shadows, television score - Fairly neutral, poignant curtain :17
206 Dark Shadows, television score - Circular, fear, tremolo curtain :23
207 Dark Shadows, television score - Happy curtain :22
208 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic sting :11
209 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky, low wail, zap music 1:43
210 Dark Shadows, television score - Clock watching, waiting piece :53
211 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo - louder - same as 146A :52
212 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky, circular, plucking strings :55
213 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant bridge or curtain :18
214 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant bridge or curtain :14
215 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant with flute :20
216 Dark Shadows, television score - Questioning waiting curtain :14
217 Dark Shadows, television score - Bad curtain :18
218 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :15
219 Dark Shadows, television score - Good curtain :07
220 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain to sting end :14
221 Dark Shadows, television score - Good short curtain :07
222 Dark Shadows, television score - Bridge waiting :14
223 Dark Shadows, television score - Doubtful poignant curtain :10
224 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :11
225 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending pyramid - dramatic :15
226 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :13
227 Dark Shadows, television score - Romantic curtain :15
228 Dark Shadows, television score - sting :10
229 Dark Shadows, television score - Low drums - heartbeat pattern :51
230 Dark Shadows, television score - Drums louder :53
231 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant bridge :24
232 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :23
233 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral - good to bridge scenes :51
234 Dark Shadows, television score - 162 Extended 1:25
235 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic sting :10
236 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending strings - bridge :11
237 Dark Shadows, television score - Happy curtain :14
238 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky Curtain :18
239 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant string tremolo, clarinet on top 1:31
240 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo, woodwinds, spooky 1:38
241 Dark Shadows, television score - Chord start - woodwinds - spooky 1:37
242 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignancy - neutral 1:34
243 Dark Shadows, television score - Alto sax over strings 1:37
244 Dark Shadows, television score - Clockwatching - nervous, pacing 1:36
245 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral - conversation piece 1:37
246 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwind hold :12
247 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum beat to string hold :14
248 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum beat to string hold :13
249 Dark Shadows, television score - Piercing hold :14
250 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :15
251 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting to hold :14
252 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo build curtain :14
253 Dark Shadows, television score - Hold - sustained note :14
254 Dark Shadows, television score - Curtain-strings to drums :13
255 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings to drums - curtain :10
256 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings to drums - curtain :09
257 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral - curtain :19
258 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral stringy bridge :18
259 Dark Shadows, television score - Repeat strings bridge with alto :18
260 Dark Shadows, television score - Repeat strings - neutral - curtain :19
261 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings and bells bridge or curtain - neutral :19
262 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar to 182a :19
263 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar :18
264 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings - no bell :19
265 Dark Shadows, television score - Suspense bridge or curtain :14
266 Dark Shadows, television score - Suspense - S.O.S. :17
267 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo, woodwinds over spooky 1:35
268 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar 1:36
269 Dark Shadows, television score - Strings, only 1:36
270 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral B.G. piece 1:36
271 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
272 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic drums, building (end of 188 - curtain of :06) 1:35
273 Dark Shadows, television score - Good dramatic sting :10
274 Dark Shadows, television score - Anger piece 1:38
275 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant, sad background 1:34
276 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant, sad background 1:45
277 Dark Shadows, television score - Piercing notes - slight tension background 1:32
278 Dark Shadows, television score - Same, only woodwinds 1:30
279 Dark Shadows, television score - Fairly neutral strings, background 1:28
280 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :17
281 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
282 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
283 Dark Shadows, television score - Building curtain :14
284 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
285 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
286 Dark Shadows, television score - Shorter version :10
287 Dark Shadows, television score - Theremin curtain :13
288 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky low tremolo 2:02
289 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain - 3 stings to held note :12
290 Dark Shadows, television score - Barnabas music - string start to woodwinds 2:12
291 Dark Shadows, television score - "Dr. J & H" - Brass - woodwind - strings - good suspense - curtains out 2:44
292 Dark Shadows, television score - Celestial, harp - flashback transition 1:28
293 Dark Shadows, television score - Desc. Curtain - dreamy to build :14
294 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum roll - builds to dramatic curtain :13
295 Dark Shadows, television score - String intro :15
296 Dark Shadows, television score - String intro :11
297 Dark Shadows, television score - Nervous waiting - tremolo strings 2:38
298 Dark Shadows, television score - Nervous circular with step movement curtain :54
299 Dark Shadows, television score - Celestial almost electronic spook 1:19
300 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain - builds to crescendo :09
301 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting build :10
302 Dark Shadows, television score - Short sting :09
303 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum to brass pyramid, sharp cutoff :11
304 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with held note on end :14
305 Dark Shadows, television score - String start - builds, tremolo, drums to drum roll :43
306 Dark Shadows, television score - Woodwind hold to drums and brass build :19
307 Dark Shadows, television score - Same, but builds to crescendo :19
308 Dark Shadows, television score - 3 stings - dramatic movement to curtain 1:27
309 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic stings curtain :11
310 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo - descending intro :16
311 Dark Shadows, television score - Brass action curtain :14
312 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending nice bridge :12
313 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum beats 2:01
314 Dark Shadows, television score - 2 high pitched stings :10
315 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant bridge :19
316 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant curtain :10
317 Dark Shadows, television score - Cue #2 (J & H) variation with xylophone :45
318 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo - woodwinds to sting :27
319 Dark Shadows, television score - Drums build to fast moving curtain :39
320 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum roll, brass on top dramatic curtain :19
321 Dark Shadows, television score - Waiting, stealthy tremolo on bottom, quiet dramatic pattern on top - curtains out 1:49
322 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow drum beats 1:12
323 Dark Shadows, television score - Combat type, dramatic curtain :14
324 Dark Shadows, television score - 2 notes to quiet tremolo hold to big curtain :20
325 Dark Shadows, television score - Bridge, series of 2 notes, building :11
326 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :13
327 Dark Shadows, television score - First part :08
328 Dark Shadows, television score - 2nd part :09
329 Dark Shadows, television score - Slow pyramid suspense piece, bridge :44
330 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo, harp, bass pattern underneath :39
331 Dark Shadows, television score - Piano with low tremolo :39
332 Dark Shadows, television score - 3 descending notes, dramatic curtain :08
333 Dark Shadows, television score - 3 notes, repeated to build :12
334 Dark Shadows, television score - Poignant clarinet with sort of high strings :34
335 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum to sting - to poignant - to drum roll :21
336 Dark Shadows, television score - Dramatic curtain :08
337 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting, vibrating strings, in and out, suspense 1:14
338 Dark Shadows, television score - Descending, but building very dramatic curtain :23
339 Dark Shadows, television score - Low held note, building to woodwinds - then harp :29
340 Dark Shadows, television score - Quiet sting - low notes to higher piercing :25
341 Dark Shadows, television score - Very fast circular notes :29
342 Dark Shadows, television score - Small sting start - vibes, soop, suspense 1:15
343 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with percussion 1:15
344 Dark Shadows, television score - Different variation 1:17
345 Dark Shadows, television score - Time piece - builds - break at :55 1:37
346 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with percussion 1:36
347 Dark Shadows, television score - Sad, suspense 1:04
348 Dark Shadows, television score - With perussion 1:04
349 Dark Shadows, television score - Climbing vibe pyramid :30
350 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with snare drums :29
351 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with vibes & flutes & drums :31
352 Dark Shadows, television score - Flute & vibes - no drums :32
353 Dark Shadows, television score - Climbing slow pyramid :23
354 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with kettle drums :24
355 Dark Shadows, television score - Bigger - more dramatic :24
356 Dark Shadows, television score - Ghost love song 1:19
357 Dark Shadows, television score - Ghost love song with percussion 1:20
358 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :07
359 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :08
360 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :09
361 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :07
362 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :07
363 Dark Shadows, television score - Sting :14
364 Dark Shadows, television score - Pattern of notes - Dan's favorite 1:05
365 Dark Shadows, television score - With percussion 1:04
366 Dark Shadows, television score - Bongo beat :33
367 Dark Shadows, television score - African drumbeats :32
368 Dark Shadows, television score - Drum beats 1:44
369 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns :48
370 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns 9:32
371 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns 3:26
372 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns 2:38
373 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns 1:11
374 Dark Shadows, television score - Various percussion patterns 1:03
375 Dark Shadows, television score - Pansy Faye's song - straight 1:28
376 Dark Shadows, television score - Nancy Barrett's key - E Major - Pansy's song 1:26
377 Dark Shadows, television score - Half tempo - Pansy's theme 2:50
378 Dark Shadows, television score - 2 stings to Alto flute - After 45 sec. Weird string movement on top - sad tension 1:29
379 Dark Shadows, television score - Same doubled 2:53
380 Dark Shadows, television score - Pansy's song over 271 1:28
381 Dark Shadows, television score - Pansy's song over 271 1:28
382 Dark Shadows, television score - Half tempo over 271 2:51
383 Dark Shadows, television score - Celeste version of pansy's song (Spook) 1:36
384 Dark Shadows, television score - Celeste with wind chimes 1:41
385 Dark Shadows, television score - Celeste version with vibes and bells (spookiest) 1:45
386 Dark Shadows, television score - Warm waltz time version of Pansy's song 1:17
387 Dark Shadows, television score - Version spooked up 1:21
388 Dark Shadows, television score - Very spooky version with fluttering strings :59
389 Dark Shadows, television score - 2 anger stings to hold, repeat, alto fute with tremolo, good dark tension-change at 1:15 - alto sax 1:59
390 Dark Shadows, television score - Dark tension - held notes in strings and vibes 1:20
391 Dark Shadows, television score - Piano version of pansy's theme 1:27
392 Dark Shadows, television score - Faster version of same 1:34
393 Dark Shadows, television score - Warm version of same with intro 1:28
394 Dark Shadows, television score - Josette's music box :31
395 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box :49
396 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box :49
397 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box :49
398 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box 1:36
399 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box 1:27
400 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box 1:35
401 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky music box :51
402 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 1:05
403 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 1:55
404 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 1:02
405 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :44
406 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 1:15
407 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 2:23
408 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge 2:25
409 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :22
410 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :23
411 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :19
412 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :19
413 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :22
414 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :23
415 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :33
416 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :34
417 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :20
418 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :21
419 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :28
420 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :29
421 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :34
422 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :33
423 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :18
424 Dark Shadows, television score - London bridge :19
425 Dark Shadows, television score - Shadows of the night 2:10
426 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #1 - Quentin's theme 2:10
427 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #1 with reverb 2:09
428 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #1 with reverb and filter 2:09
429 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #1 with tape shake 2:09
430 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #2 1:08
431 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #3 - Pansy's song 1:35
432 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #3 with reverb 1:34
433 Dark Shadows, television score - Old Phono #3 with reverb and filter 1:35
434 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate time warp melody 1:59
435 Dark Shadows, television score - Same, but with weird vibes 1:53
436 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate 1:55
437 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate 1:54
438 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate 1:55
439 Dark Shadows, television score - Angelique's theme and time warp melody 4:45
440 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky, slow build, ominous wall to wall 1:41
441 Dark Shadows, television score - Same with percussion added 1:41
442 Dark Shadows, television score - Watch out. Strings, piano and drums. Good fast action piece 1:19
443 Dark Shadows, television score - Spook, wall to wall, theramin 1:31
444 Dark Shadows, television score - Neutral time piece with Bongo pattern 1:34
445 Dark Shadows, television score - Same without the bongo - very useable 1:33
446 Dark Shadows, television score - "I've been bitten" - Poignant with tremolo underneath 1:38
447 Dark Shadows, television score - Similar, more melodic - sad love song 1:38
448 Dark Shadows, television score - Good spook, theramin with tremolo (almost wailing of widows) 1:38
449 Dark Shadows, television score - Tremolo with bongo pattern - frantic looking (little too hip) 1:33
450 Dark Shadows, television score - Spooky steps, mystery, with piano accents (Good for no dialogue) 1:40
451 Dark Shadows, television score - Theramin over cue 37 - good spook 1:40
452 Dark Shadows, television score - Angelique and Bruno's piano :25
453 Dark Shadows, television score - Same :46
454 Dark Shadows, television score - Longer version of same 1:27
455 Dark Shadows, television score - Another version 1:42
456 Dark Shadows, television score - Piano version to be played by Alexis 1:54
457 Dark Shadows, television score - Lush version for Bruno and Phono record 2:31
458 Dark Shadows, television score - Harpsichord version 1:47
459 Dark Shadows, television score - "Head Music" Dead of Night theme :52
460 Dark Shadows, television score - "Head Music" 1:07
461 Dark Shadows, television score - "Head" curtain :10
462 Dark Shadows, television score - "Head" curtain :09
463 Dark Shadows, television score - Celestial harps 1:10
464 Dark Shadows, television score - "Oh so heavenly, strings and all" 1:09
465 Dark Shadows, television score - "I'm floating with the vibes and harps" 1:11
466 Dark Shadows, television score - Simple "Joanna" 1:49
467 Dark Shadows, television score - More complex "Joanna" 1:50
468 Dark Shadows, television score - Short version "Joanna" :41
469 Dark Shadows, television score - Very romantic "Joanna" 1:45
470 Dark Shadows, television score - Quentin's theme on piano 1:48
471 Dark Shadows, television score - "Joanna" spook version 1:57
472 Dark Shadows, television score - Spookier "Joanna" 1:57
473 Dark Shadows, television score - Eerie vibes and percussion 1:48
474 Dark Shadows, television score - Joanna spook and then some 2:01
475 Dark Shadows, television score - "I Wanna Dance With You" (David Selby & Nancy Barrett) 2:19
476 Dark Shadows, television score - Opening Theme - alternate take 15 :29
477 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 23 :30
478 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 30 :27
479 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 31 :29
480 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 32 :30
481 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 34 :29
482 Dark Shadows, television score - Closing Theme - take 39 1:12
483 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take 40 :29
484 Dark Shadows, television score - same - alternate take :29
485 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate Closing Theme :29
486 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate Closing Theme alternate take 1:11
487 Dark Shadows, television score - Alternate Closing Theme take 4 1:13
488 Dark Shadows, television score - same - take 5 1:12
489 Dark Shadows, television score - 310-313 Outtakes "Ode to Angelique" with studio chatter 6:20
490 Dark Shadows, television score - 314 Outtakes "Ode to Angelique" with studio chatter 3:53

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