Early Music: Gregorian Chant and Renaissance Music

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Mittelalter (1-1449)
Label Intersound
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Aeterne rerum conditor (Eternal Maker of things!) 2:49
2 Eripe me de incimis meis (Take me from my enemies) 6:00
3 Inventor rutili, hymn for the lighting of the Easter fire 1:59
4 Intellige clamoren meum, communion in mode 5 for the 2nd Sunday in Lent 3:50
5 Hostis Herodes impie, hymn 2:30
6 Paravi lucernam Christo meo (I have perpared a lamp for my Christ) 4:42
7 Mediae noctis tempus est (It is time of Midnight) 2:07
8 Judica me, Deus (Judge me, God) 3:23
9 Hodie Christus resurrexit (Christ is risen today) 1:52
10 Veterem hominem (The old man) 5:36
11 A solis ortus cardine, hymn in mode 3 (Liber Usualis No. 400) 3:35
12 In die resurrectionis 1:18
13 In te speravi, Domine (In you, Oh, Lord, have I hoped) 6:06
14 Sancti, venite, Christus corpus 2:43
15 Dominus firmamentum meum (The Lord is my strength) 2:22
16 Pange lingua, hymn 2:03
17 Spiritus Sanctus replevit, motet for 8 voices 5:04
18 Ricercare 1st tone (doubtful) 2:59
19 The Fairie-Round, coranto 2:41
20 Work(s): Dona Nobis Pacem 2:17
21 A Robyn, Gentyl Robyn for 3 voices 1:31

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Aeterne rerum conditor (Eternal Maker of things!) 2:49
2 Eripe me de incimis meis (Take me from my enemies) 6:00
3 Inventor rutili, hymn for the lighting of the Easter fire 1:59
4 Intellige clamoren meum, communion in mode 5 for the 2nd Sunday in Lent 3:50
5 Hostis Herodes impie, hymn 2:30
6 Paravi lucernam Christo meo (I have perpared a lamp for my Christ) 4:42
7 Mediae noctis tempus est (It is time of Midnight) 2:07
8 Judica me, Deus (Judge me, God) 3:23
9 Hodie Christus resurrexit (Christ is risen today) 1:52
10 Veterem hominem (The old man) 5:36
11 A solis ortus cardine, hymn in mode 3 (Liber Usualis No. 400) 3:35
12 In die resurrectionis 1:18
13 In te speravi, Domine (In you, Oh, Lord, have I hoped) 6:06
14 Sancti, venite, Christus corpus 2:43
15 Dominus firmamentum meum (The Lord is my strength) 2:22
16 Pange lingua, hymn 2:03
17 Spiritus Sanctus replevit, motet for 8 voices 5:04
18 Ricercare 1st tone (doubtful) 2:59
19 The Fairie-Round, coranto 2:41
20 Work(s) - Dona Nobis Pacem 2:17
21 A Robyn, Gentyl Robyn for 3 voices 1:31

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