Extreme Classics

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label RCA
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b: Ride of the Valkyries 5:30
2 Symphony No. 1 for soprano, baritone, chorus & orchestra ("A Sea Symphony"): Behold, the Sea Itself 3:27
3 Symphony No. 6 in F major ("Pastoral"), Op. 68: Thunderstorm 4:01
4 Grand Canyon Suite, for orchestra: Cloudburst 8:32
5 Requiem Mass, for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Manzoni Requiem): Dies irae (excerpt) 2:03
6 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra: Sacrificial Dance 4:06
7 Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2 for orchestra, Op. 64 ter: Montagues and Capulets (excerpt) 3:19
8 Ritual Fire Dance, for orchestra (from "El Amor brujo") 4:00
9 Boléro, ballet for orchestra: Conclusion 10:49
10 Gayane Suite, for orchestra No. 3: Saber Dance 2:27
11 Carmina Burana, scenic cantata for soloists, choruses & orchestra: O Fortuna 2:52
12 Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel: The Great Gate at Kiev 5:21
13 Il Trovatore, opera: Anvil Chorus 2:51
14 Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 40 (TrV 190): Battle Scene 8:50
15 1812 -- Festival Overture, for orchestra in E flat major, Op. 49: Finale 3:27

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Die Walküre (The Valkyrie), opera, WWV 86b - Ride of the Valkyries 5:30
2 Symphony No. 1 for soprano, baritone, chorus & orchestra ("A Sea Symphony") - Behold, the Sea Itself 3:27
3 Symphony No. 6 in F major ("Pastoral"), Op. 68 - Thunderstorm 4:01
4 Grand Canyon Suite, for orchestra - Cloudburst 8:32
5 Requiem Mass, for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Manzoni Requiem) - Dies irae (excerpt) 2:03
6 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Sacrificial Dance 4:06
7 Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2 for orchestra, Op. 64 ter - Montagues and Capulets (excerpt) 3:19
8 Ritual Fire Dance, for orchestra (from "El Amor brujo") 4:00
9 Boléro, ballet for orchestra - Conclusion 10:49
10 Gayane Suite, for orchestra No. 3 - Saber Dance 2:27
11 Carmina Burana, scenic cantata for soloists, choruses & orchestra - O Fortuna 2:52
12 Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s vïstavski), for orchestra, orchestrated by Ravel - The Great Gate at Kiev 5:21
13 Il Trovatore, opera - Anvil Chorus 2:51
14 Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life), tone poem for orchestra, Op. 40 (TrV 190) - Battle Scene 8:50
15 1812 -- Festival Overture, for orchestra in E flat major, Op. 49 - Finale 3:27

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