Frederick Jacobi: Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra; Sabbath Evening Service; Hagiographa

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Naxos
Erschienen 2004

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cello Concerto 17:23
2 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus: Mi khamokha 3:11
3 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus: V'sham'ru 3:17
4 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus: O May the Words 1:33
5 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus: Adon olam 4:27
6 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet 25:57
7 Ahavat olam, for cantor, chorus & organ 3:18
8 Pieces (2) in Sabbath Mood, tone poem 10:55

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cello Concerto - 1. Allegro Cantabile 7:03
1 Cello Concerto - 1. Allegro Cantabile 7:03
2 Cello Concerto - 2. Allegretto 4:36
2 Cello Concerto - 2. Allegretto 4:36
3 Cello Concerto - 3. Allegro Ritmico 5:44
3 Cello Concerto - 3. Allegro Ritmico 5:44
4 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - Mi khamokha 3:11
4 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - Mi khamokha 3:11
5 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - V'sham'ru 3:17
5 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - V'sham'ru 3:17
6 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - O May the Words 1:33
6 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - O May the Words 1:33
7 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - Adon olam 4:27
7 Sabbath Evening Service, for cantor & chorus - Adon olam 4:27
8 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 1. Job 8:38
8 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 1. Job 8:38
9 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 2. Ruth 10:54
9 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 2. Ruth 10:54
10 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 3. Joshua 6:25
10 Hagiographa, 3 Biblical narratives for piano & string quartet - 3. Joshua 6:25
11 Ahavat olam, for cantor, chorus & organ 3:18
11 Ahavat olam, for cantor, chorus & organ 3:18
12 Pieces (2) in Sabbath Mood, tone poem - 1. Kaddish 2:07
12 Pieces (2) in Sabbath Mood, tone poem - 1. Kaddish 2:07
13 Pieces (2) in Sabbath Mood, tone poem - 2. Oneg shabbat 8:48
13 Pieces (2) in Sabbath Mood, tone poem - 2. Oneg shabbat 8:48

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