Godowsky: Passacaglia on the Opening of Schubert's; Transcriptions

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Music & Arts
Erschienen 1997

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano 40:00
2 Passacaglia on the Opening of Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony, variations (44) for piano 17:16

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Wohin 2:37
1 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Wohin 2:37
2 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Gute Nacht 5:48
2 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Gute Nacht 5:48
3 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Das Wandern 2:11
3 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Das Wandern 2:11
4 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Die Junge Nonne 3:56
4 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Die Junge Nonne 3:56
5 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Litanei 4:35
5 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Litanei 4:35
6 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Die Forelle 2:01
6 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Die Forelle 2:01
7 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Wiegenlied 2:44
7 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Wiegenlied 2:44
8 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Morgengruss 4:10
8 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Morgengruss 4:10
9 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - An Mignon 4:09
9 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - An Mignon 4:09
10 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Liebesbotschaft 3:09
10 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Liebesbotschaft 3:09
11 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Heidenröslein 1:39
11 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Heidenröslein 1:39
12 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Ungeduld 3:01
12 Schubert Songs (12), freely transcribed for piano - Ungeduld 3:01
13 Passacaglia on the Opening of Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony, variations (44) for piano 17:16
13 Passacaglia on the Opening of Schubert's "Unfinished" Symphony, variations (44) for piano 17:16

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