Gurdjieff/de Hartmann: Music for the Piano, Vol. 2: Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Wergo
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano 45:37
2 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano 26:06
3 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano 39:44

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 01 3:27
2 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - For Professor Skridlov, No. 02 2:03
3 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 03 3:37
4 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 04 2:00
5 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Dervish Dance, No. 05 2:05
6 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Persian Dervish, No. 06 1:23
7 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Dervish Chant and Dance, No. 07 2:01
8 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 08 1:52
9 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 09 4:30
10 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 10 4:58
11 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 11 2:21
12 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 12 3:06
13 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 13 2:45
14 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Dervish Dance, No. 14 1:52
15 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant, No. 15 2:44
16 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Persian Dervish, No. 16 3:28
17 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, First Series, for piano - Dervish Dance, No. 17 1:25
18 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 18 2:18
19 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 19 2:06
20 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 20 1:26
21 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Dance, No. 21 1:02
22 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Dance, No. 22 2:51
23 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 23 2:30
24 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 24 2:52
25 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 25 3:30
26 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Sayyid Dance, No. 26 2:29
27 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Dervish Dance, No. 27 2:26
28 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Second Series, for piano - Moorish Dance (Dervish), No. 28 2:36
29 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 29 4:27
30 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 30 3:10
31 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Dance, No. 31 1:20
32 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Katzapsky Song, No. 32 1:24
33 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Dance, No. 33 2:59
34 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 34 3:10
35 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Bayaty, No. 35 3:50
36 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Dervish Dance, No. 36 2:35
37 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Untitled, No. 37 1:52
38 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Caucasian Dance, No. 38 3:13
39 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Kurdo-Greek Melody, No. 39 1:52
40 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Kurdish Song (Sayyid), No. 40 2:48
41 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 41 2:47
42 Music of the Sayyids and the Dervishes, Third Series, for piano - Sayyid Chant and Dance, No. 42 4:17

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