Handel: Deborah

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Hyperion
Erschienen 1993

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# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 139:13

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Ouverture (Grave - Allegro - Minuet) 5:56
1 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Ouverture (Grave - Allegro - Minuet) 5:56
2 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. Immortal Lord of Earth and skies 5:44
2 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. Immortal Lord of Earth and skies 5:44
3 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. O Barak, favour'd of the skies / O Deborah, with wise prediction blest :38
3 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. O Barak, favour'd of the skies / O Deborah, with wise prediction blest :38
4 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Duet. Where do thy ardours raise me? / Trust in the God that fires thee 4:12
4 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Duet. Where do thy ardours raise me? / Trust in the God that fires thee 4:12
5 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. Forbear thy doubts! to arms! away! 1:18
5 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. Forbear thy doubts! to arms! away! 1:18
6 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. Since Heav'n has thus his will express'd :29
6 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. Since Heav'n has thus his will express'd :29
7 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Soli & Chorus. For ever to the voice of pray'r 1:49
7 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Soli & Chorus. For ever to the voice of pray'r 1:49
8 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. By that adorable decree :47
8 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. By that adorable decree :47
9 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. O hear thy lowly servants pray'r 2:49
9 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. O hear thy lowly servants pray'r 2:49
10 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. Ye sons of Israel, cease your fears :24
10 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. Ye sons of Israel, cease your fears :24
11 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. O blast, with thy tremendous brow :50
11 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Chorus. O blast, with thy tremendous brow :50
12 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. To whomsoe'er his fate the tyrant owes :34
12 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Recitative. To whomsoe'er his fate the tyrant owes :34
13 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Air. How lovely is the blooming fair 1:54
13 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 1. Air. How lovely is the blooming fair 1:54
14 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Recitative. O Deborah! where'er I turn my eyes / Hear me then Jael! - let no fear 1:05
14 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Recitative. O Deborah! where'er I turn my eyes / Hear me then Jael! - let no fear 1:05
15 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Air. Choirs of Angels, all around thee 3:32
15 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Air. Choirs of Angels, all around thee 3:32
16 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Recitative. My transports are too great to tell :28
16 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Recitative. My transports are too great to tell :28
17 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Air. To joy he brightens my despair 3:49
17 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 2. Air. To joy he brightens my despair 3:49
18 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Recitative. Barak, my son, the joyful sound :26
18 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Recitative. Barak, my son, the joyful sound :26
19 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Air. Awake the ardour of thy breast 3:28
19 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Air. Awake the ardour of thy breast 3:28
20 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Recitative. I go where Heav'n and duty call :10
20 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Recitative. I go where Heav'n and duty call :10
21 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Air. All danger disdaining 4:12
21 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Air. All danger disdaining 4:12
22 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Chorus. let thy deeds be glorious 3:09
22 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 3. Chorus. let thy deeds be glorious 3:09
23 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 4. Recitative. My charge is to declare / Proud infidels! - Go let the boaster hear / 1:19
23 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 4. Recitative. My charge is to declare / Proud infidels! - Go let the boaster hear / 1:19
24 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 5. Chorus. Despair all around them 5:23
24 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 1. Scene 5. Chorus. Despair all around them 5:23
25 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. See, the proud chief advances now 4:36
25 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. See, the proud chief advances now 4:36
26 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. That here rebellious arms I see :31
26 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. That here rebellious arms I see :31
27 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. At my feet extended low 2:16
27 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. At my feet extended low 2:16
28 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Go frown, Barbarian :27
28 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Go frown, Barbarian :27
29 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. In Jehovah's awful sight 2:32
29 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. In Jehovah's awful sight 2:32
30 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Yes, how your God in wonders can excel :13
30 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Yes, how your God in wonders can excel :13
31 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. While you boast the wondrous story 2:45
31 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. While you boast the wondrous story 2:45
32 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. Impious mortal, cease to brave us 2:44
32 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. Impious mortal, cease to brave us 2:44
33 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Behold the nations all around :27
33 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Behold the nations all around :27
34 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. O Baal, Monarch of the skies! 1:59
34 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. O Baal, Monarch of the skies! 1:59
35 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. No more, ye infidels, no more! :20
35 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. No more, ye infidels, no more! :20
36 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. Lord of Eternity, who hast in store 3:17
36 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. Lord of Eternity, who hast in store 3:17
37 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. By His great name, and His alone / We go, but ye shall quickly mourn :37
37 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. By His great name, and His alone / We go, but ye shall quickly mourn :37
38 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Soli & Chorus. All your boast will end in woe. / Farewell, despicable foe. / Might 3:20
38 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Soli & Chorus. All your boast will end in woe. / Farewell, despicable foe. / Might 3:20
39 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Great Prophetess, my soul's on fire :18
39 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Great Prophetess, my soul's on fire :18
40 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. In the battle, fame pursuing 6:05
40 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. In the battle, fame pursuing 6:05
41 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Thy ardours warm the winter of my age :31
41 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Thy ardours warm the winter of my age :31
42 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. Swift inundation of desolation 2:52
42 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. Swift inundation of desolation 2:52
43 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. O Judah, with what joy I see :17
43 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. O Judah, with what joy I see :17
44 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. No more disconsolate I'll mourn 3:09
44 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. No more disconsolate I'll mourn 3:09
45 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Now, Jael, to thy tent retire :22
45 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Now, Jael, to thy tent retire :22
46 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. O the pleasure my soul is possessing 3:31
46 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Air. O the pleasure my soul is possessing 3:31
47 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Barak, we now to battle go :10
47 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Recitative. Barak, we now to battle go :10
48 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Duet. Smiling freedom, lovely guest / Thy dear presence to obtain 4:17
48 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Duet. Smiling freedom, lovely guest / Thy dear presence to obtain 4:17
49 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. The great King of Kings will aid us today 3:02
49 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 2. Scene 1. Chorus. The great King of Kings will aid us today 3:02
50 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Chorus. Now the proud insulting foes 3:33
50 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Chorus. Now the proud insulting foes 3:33
51 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Recitative. The haughty foe whose pride to heav'n did soar :15
51 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Recitative. The haughty foe whose pride to heav'n did soar :15
52 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Air. Now sweetly smiling peace descends 2:59
52 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 1. Air. Now sweetly smiling peace descends 2:59
53 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 2. Recitative. My pray'rs are heard, the blessings of this day / My honour'd father! :38
53 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 2. Recitative. My pray'rs are heard, the blessings of this day / My honour'd father! :38
54 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 2. Air. Tears, such as tender fathers shed 2:05
54 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 2. Air. Tears, such as tender fathers shed 2:05
55 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. O Deborah, my fears are o'er :12
55 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. O Deborah, my fears are o'er :12
56 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Chorus. Doleful tidings, how ye wound 2:25
56 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Chorus. Doleful tidings, how ye wound 2:25
57 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Our fears are now for ever fled 2:15
57 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Our fears are now for ever fled 2:15
58 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. I saw the tyrant breathless in her tent / When from the battle that pr 1:56
58 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. I saw the tyrant breathless in her tent / When from the battle that pr 1:56
59 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Tyrant, now no more we dread thee 4:22
59 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Tyrant, now no more we dread thee 4:22
60 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. If, Jael, I a right divine :20
60 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. If, Jael, I a right divine :20
61 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. The glorious sun shall cease to shed 2:22
61 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. The glorious sun shall cease to shed 2:22
62 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. May Heav'n, with kind profusion, shed :14
62 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. May Heav'n, with kind profusion, shed :14
63 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Low at her feet he bow'd, he fell 3:07
63 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Air. Low at her feet he bow'd, he fell 3:07
64 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. O great Jehovah! may thy foes :40
64 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Recitative. O great Jehovah! may thy foes :40
65 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Chorus. Let our glad songs to heav'n ascend 6:47
65 Deborah, oratorio, HWV 51 - Part 3. Scene 3. Chorus. Let our glad songs to heav'n ascend 6:47

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