Historiae: The Offices of St. Lawrences and Mary Magdalen's (Gregorian Chants)

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Mittelalter (1-1449)
Label Hungaroton

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Office of Saint Lawrence 37:12
2 History of Mary Magdalen 34:39

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Office of Saint Lawrence - Invitatory: Regem sempiternum 3:44
2 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 1st Nocturn. Antiphons: a. Quo progrederis - b. Noli me derelinquere - c. Non eto te desero/Ver 2:46
3 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 1st Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Milites Decii - Levita Laurentius 2:37
4 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 1st Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Gavisus Decius - Quo progrederis 2:59
5 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 1st Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Decius Caesar - Noli me derelinquere 2:50
6 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 2nd Nocturn. Antiphons: a. Beatus Laurentius orabat - b. Beatus Laurentius dixit - c. Dixit Rom 3:26
7 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 2nd Nocturn. Reponsories (with readings): Et cum venisset - Beatus Laurentius clamavit 2:28
8 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 2nd Nocturn. Reponsories (with readings): Valerianus dixit - Strinxerunt corporis membra 2:51
9 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 2nd Nocturn. Reponsories (with readings): Decius Caesar jussit - Beatus Laurentius dixit 2:27
10 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 3rd Nocturn. Antiphons: a. Strinxerunt corporis - b. Igne me examinasti - c. Interrogatus te, V 2:58
11 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 3rd Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Decius dixit: Adducxite - In craticula te Deum 1:45
12 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 3rd Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Et allati sunt - Gaudeo plane 2:24
13 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 3rd Nocturn. Responsories (with readings): Ille vero vultu - Meruit esse hostia 2:23
14 Office of Saint Lawrence - The 3rd Nocturn. Antiphon: Levita Laurentius bonum opus 1:34
15 History of Mary Magdalen - Introduction. Hymn: Jesu Christe auctor vitae 1:36
16 History of Mary Magdalen - Introduction. Antiphon: Fidelis sermo 2:16
17 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Reading: Rogabat autem/Antiphon: Stans retro 1:24
18 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Reading: Videns autem/Responsory: Maria Magdalene quae 3:53
19 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Reading: Remittuntur ei/Responsory: Flavit Auster 2:53
20 History of Mary Magdalen - Mary and Martha. Three-part Gospel: In illo tempore 3:12
21 History of Mary Magdalen - Mary and Martha. Responsory: Intravit Jesus 2:46
22 History of Mary Magdalen - The Apostle of apostles. Four-part antiphon: Pax vobis 2:55
23 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Responsory: Maria Magadalene et altera 2:10
24 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Antiphons: Maria stabat - Ardens est 1:10
25 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Responsory: Tulerunt Dominum meum 2:16
26 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Antiphon: Dixit Jesus, Maria :45
27 History of Mary Magdalen - At Simon's House. Responsory: Congratulamini mihi 2:03
28 History of Mary Magdalen - Appendix. Four-part Hymn: Lauda mater ecclesia 4:14
29 History of Mary Magdalen - Appendix. Antiphon: Sancta Maria Magdalene 1:06

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