Hymns For The Holy Week In The Russian Orthodox Church

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Koch Schwann

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# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 First verse of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete 3:23
2 Now the heavenly powers serve, cherubikon 4:39
3 Irmos of the Canon of Morning Office on the Saturday of the Holy Lazarus 1:07
4 Troparion for Palm Sunday 1:06
5 Behold, the bridegroom cometh 1:45
6 Thy bridal chamber I behold decked 1:31
7 When the glorious apostles 4:29
8 To thy mystic feast 3:20
9 The robber hast thou the same day 1:43
10 All creation was transfixed by fear 1:07
11 Today the veil of the temple is rent in twain 0:46
12 Today here hangs the cross 2:03
13 Today the Lord of creation stands before Pilate 2:29
14 Thou who are clothed with light as with garment 8:43
15 God is the Lord, Russian Orthodox hymn 4:54
16 Irmos of the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th Odes of the Canon "With the Waves of the Sea" 6:59
17 Come, let us praise Joseph and bless him 5:26
18 Vespers for Holy Sunday with verses 4:34

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 First verse of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete 3:23
2 Now the heavenly powers serve, cherubikon 4:39
3 Irmos of the Canon of Morning Office on the Saturday of the Holy Lazarus 1:07
4 Troparion for Palm Sunday 1:06
5 Behold, the bridegroom cometh 1:45
6 Thy bridal chamber I behold decked 1:31
7 When the glorious apostles 4:29
8 To thy mystic feast 3:20
9 The robber hast thou the same day 1:43
10 All creation was transfixed by fear 1:07
11 Today the veil of the temple is rent in twain :46
12 Today here hangs the cross 2:03
13 Today the Lord of creation stands before Pilate 2:29
14 Thou who are clothed with light as with garment 8:43
15 God is the Lord, Russian Orthodox hymn 4:54
16 Irmos of the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th Odes of the Canon "With the Waves of the Sea" 6:59
17 Come, let us praise Joseph and bless him 5:26
18 Vespers for Holy Sunday with verses 4:34

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