I My Best-Beloved's Am: Choral Works by John Rutter

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Bayer Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 I my Best-Beloved's am, for a cappella chorus 6:51
2 Cantate Domino 5:35
3 Musica Dei Donum, for chorus with obbligato flute 6:08
4 Deck the hall, for chorus 1:51
5 Hymn to the Creator of Light, for unaccompanied double choir 7:56
6 Birthday Madrigals, No.1, "It was a lover and his lass" for a cappella chorus 2:24
7 Birthday Madrigals, No.2, "Draw on sweet night" for chorus 5:36
8 Birthday Madrigals, No.3, "Come live with me" for chorus 3:33
9 Birthday Madrigals, No.4, "My true love hath my heart" for chorus 3:31
10 Birthday Madrigals, No.5, "When daisies pied" for chorus 3:17
11 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus 12:19
12 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir 9:47

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 I my Best-Beloved's am, for a cappella chorus   -
2 Cantate Domino   -
3 Musica Dei Donum, for chorus with obbligato flute   -
4 Deck the hall, for chorus   -
5 Hymn to the Creator of Light, for unaccompanied double choir   -
6 Birthday Madrigals, No.1, "It was a lover and his lass" for a cappella chorus   -
7 Birthday Madrigals, No.2, "Draw on sweet night" for chorus   -
8 Birthday Madrigals, No.3, "Come live with me" for chorus   -
9 Birthday Madrigals, No.4, "My true love hath my heart" for chorus   -
10 Birthday Madrigals, No.5, "When daisies pied" for chorus   -
11 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus - The girl I left behind me   -
12 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus - O waly, waly   -
13 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus - The British Grenadiers   -
14 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus - Golden slumbers   -
15 Traditional Songs (5), for a cappella chorus - Dashing away with a smoothing iron   -
16 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir - Monday's child   -
17 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir - The Owl and the Pussy-Cat   -
18 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir - Windy nights   -
19 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John   -
20 Childhood Lyrics (5) for unaccompanied choir - Sing a song of sixpence   -

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