Leos Janácek: In the Mist; Along an Overgrown Path; Sonata 1.X 1905 "From the Street"

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Post-Romatische Musik (1870-1909)
Label Tudor Records
Erschienen 1991

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 In the mists (V Mlhách), pieces (4) for piano, JW 8/22 15:22
2 Piano Sonata ("Zulice, 1.X.05," "From the Street, 1 October, 1905"), JW 8/19 (final movement lost) 12:58
3 On the Overgrown Path (Po zarostlém chodnícku), for piano, JW 8/17: Set 1 28:37
4 In the mists (V Mlhách), pieces (4) for piano, JW 8/22: 4th Movement 2:21

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 In the mists (V Mlhách), pieces (4) for piano, JW 8/22 15:22
2 Piano Sonata ("Zulice, 1.X.05," "From the Street, 1 October, 1905"), JW 8/19 (final movement lost) 12:58
3 On the Overgrown Path (Po zarostlém chodnícku), for piano, JW 8/17 28:37
4 In the mists (V Mlhách), pieces (4) for piano, JW 8/22 2:21

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