Ljubica Maric: Songs of Space; Byzantine Concerto; Threshold of Dream; Etc.

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Chandos
Erschienen 2004

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra 25:14
2 Threshold of Dream, cantata for soprano, alto, narrator & chamber orchestra 8:55
3 Ostinato super Thema Octoïcha, for piano, harp & string orchestra 6:45
4 Songs of Space, cantata for mixed choir & symphony orchestra 28:13

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 1. Sound and Ringing. Preludium quasi una toccata - 11:02
1 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 1. Sound and Ringing. Preludium quasi una toccata - 11:02
2 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 2. In Darkness and Glimmering. Aria - 5:14
2 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 2. In Darkness and Glimmering. Aria - 5:14
3 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 3. Roaring and Glaring. Allegro 8:58
3 Byzantine Concerto, for piano & orchestra - 3. Roaring and Glaring. Allegro 8:58
4 Threshold of Dream, cantata for soprano, alto, narrator & chamber orchestra 8:55
4 Threshold of Dream, cantata for soprano, alto, narrator & chamber orchestra 8:55
5 Ostinato super Thema Octoïcha, for piano, harp & string orchestra 6:45
5 Ostinato super Thema Octoïcha, for piano, harp & string orchestra 6:45
6 Songs of Space, cantata for mixed choir & symphony orchestra 28:13
6 Songs of Space, cantata for mixed choir & symphony orchestra 28:13

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