Mantler: Cerco un Paese Innocente

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label ECM Records
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Introduction   -
2 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Girovago   -
3 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Intermezzo 01   -
4 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Eterno   -
5 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Stasera   -
6 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part I: Intermezzo 02   -
7 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Perche?   -
8 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Sempre Notte   -
9 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Inizio 01   -
10 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Solitudine   -
11 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Lontano   -
12 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Inizio 02   -
13 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: L'Illuminata Rugiada   -
14 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Proverbi   -
15 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Intermezzo 03   -
16 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Destino   -
17 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Rilucere Inveduto   -
18 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part II: Un'Altra Notte   -
19 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part III: Se Una Tua Mano   -
20 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part III: Intermezzo 04   -
21 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part III: Vanita   -
22 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part III: Quando un Giorno   -
23 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part III: le Ansie   -
24 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part IV: E Senza Fiato   -
25 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part IV: Intermezzo 05   -
26 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part IV: Non Gridate Piu   -
27 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists: Part IV: Tutto Ho Perduto   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
2 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
3 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
4 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
5 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
6 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
7 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
8 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
9 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
10 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
11 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
12 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
13 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
14 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
15 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
16 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
17 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
18 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
19 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
20 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
21 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
22 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
23 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
24 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
25 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
26 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -
27 Cerco un Paese Innocente: A Suite of Songs and Interludes, for voice, untypical big band & soloists   -

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