Marie Barker Nelson: A Night at the Symphony

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label MMC Recordings
Erschienen 2002

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Universe, for orchestra 23:29
2 The Rocky Mountains, tone poem for chamber orchestra 17:39
3 Symphonic Fantasy on Orpheus Lex, for orchestra 8:48
4 Ode to Antigone, for orchestra 10:49

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Universe, for orchestra - 1. The Big Bang 5:19
2 Universe, for orchestra - 2. Alone in Space 6:05
3 Universe, for orchestra - 3. The Black Hole 5:04
4 Universe, for orchestra - 4. Death of a Star 7:01
5 The Rocky Mountains, tone poem for chamber orchestra - 1. Spring 7:09
6 The Rocky Mountains, tone poem for chamber orchestra - 2. Winter 6:06
7 The Rocky Mountains, tone poem for chamber orchestra - 3. Autumn 4:24
8 Symphonic Fantasy on Orpheus Lex, for orchestra 8:48
9 Ode to Antigone, for orchestra 10:49

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