Music of Shakespeare

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Renaissance (1450-1599)
Label Channel Classics
Erschienen 1997

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Mistresse mine, well may you fare (O Mistress Mine), song for voice with lute & bass viol 2:57
2 O mistress mine, for keyboard, MB 83 3:24
3 It was a lover and his lass, song for voice with lute & bass viol 3:52
4 Willow Song 4:37
5 Walsingham 3:39
6 Walsingham, variations for keyboard, MB 8 5:03
7 Farewell, Dear Love 4:21
8 Take, O Take Those Lips Away 3:05
9 Robin, for lute 2:41
10 Bonny Sweet Robin 4:25
11 Greensleeves, folk song 2:59
12 Variations on Greensleeves for lute 2:41
13 Greensleeves to a Ground 3:48
14 Greensleeves to a Ground 1:33
15 Hark, Hark the Lark 1:59
16 Full Fathom Five, for voice & lute 3:00
17 Where the Bee Sucks, for voice & lute 3:46

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Mistresse mine, well may you fare (O Mistress Mine), song for voice with lute & bass viol 2:57
2 O mistress mine, for keyboard, MB 83 3:24
3 It was a lover and his lass, song for voice with lute & bass viol 3:52
4 Willow Song 4:37
5 Walsingham 3:39
6 Walsingham, variations for keyboard, MB 8 5:03
7 Farewell, Dear Love 4:21
8 Take, O Take Those Lips Away 3:05
9 Robin, for lute 2:41
10 Bonny Sweet Robin 4:25
11 Greensleeves, folk song 2:59
12 Variations on Greensleeves for lute 2:41
13 Greensleeves to a Ground 3:48
14 Greensleeves to a Ground 1:33
15 Hark, Hark the Lark 1:59
16 Full Fathom Five, for voice & lute 3:00
17 Where the Bee Sucks, for voice & lute 3:46

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