Nikolay Myaskovsky: Symphony No. 21; Dmitry Kabalevsky: Symphony No. 2; Dmitry Shostakovich: Hamlet

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Unicorn-Kanchana
Erschienen 1994

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Symphony No. 21 in F sharp minor, Op. 51 16:19
2 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 24:10
3 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) 21:40

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Symphony No. 21 in F sharp minor, Op. 51 16:19
1 Symphony No. 21 in F sharp minor, Op. 51 16:19
2 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 1. Allegro quasi presto 7:15
2 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 1. Allegro quasi presto 7:15
3 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 2. Andante non troppo 9:23
3 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 2. Andante non troppo 9:23
4 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 3. Prestissimo scherzando 7:32
4 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Op. 19 - 3. Prestissimo scherzando 7:32
5 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Introduction 3:23
5 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Introduction 3:23
6 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Ball at the Palace 3:06
6 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Ball at the Palace 3:06
7 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Ghost 5:20
7 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Ghost 5:20
8 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Poisoning 4:21
8 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Poisoning 4:21
9 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Players 2:55
9 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - The Players 2:55
10 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Duel and death of Hamlet 2:35
10 Hamlet, suite from the film score, Op.116a (assembled by Atovmyan) - Duel and death of Hamlet 2:35

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