Pomp and Circumstance: Magnificent Marches

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label London

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Symphonie fantastique for orchestra ("Episode de la vie d'un Artiste...en cinq parties"), H.48 (Op. 14): March to the Scaffold   -
2 Marche de Rákóczy (Rákóczy March), for orchestra (Le damnation de Faust), H. 109   -
3 Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1, for orchestra in D major, Op. 39/1   -
4 Pomp and Circumstance March No.4, for orchestra in G major, Op. 39/4   -
5 Athalie, incidental music, Op. 74: War March of the Priests   -
6 Le prophète, grand opera in 5 acts: Coronation March   -
7 The Love for Three Oranges, suite for orchestra, Op. 33 bis: March   -
8 Pini di Roma (The Pines of Rome), symphonic poem, P. 141: Pines of the Appian Way   -
9 Slavonic March, for orchestra, Op. 31   -
10 Nutcracker, ballet, Op. 71: March   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Symphonie fantastique for orchestra ("Episode de la vie d'un Artiste...en cinq parties"), H.48 (Op. 14)   -
2 Marche de Rákóczy (Rákóczy March), for orchestra (Le damnation de Faust), H. 109   -
3 Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1, for orchestra in D major, Op. 39/1   -
4 Pomp and Circumstance March No.4, for orchestra in G major, Op. 39/4   -
5 Athalie, incidental music, Op. 74   -
6 Le prophète, grand opera in 5 acts   -
7 The Love for Three Oranges, suite for orchestra, Op. 33 bis   -
8 Pini di Roma (The Pines of Rome), symphonic poem, P. 141   -
9 Slavonic March, for orchestra, Op. 31   -
10 Nutcracker, ballet, Op. 71   -

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