Predatory Dances: Music by Albert Schnelzer

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Daphne
Erschienen 2008

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Predatory Dances, for violin, cello & piano 13:01
2 Dance with the Devil, for piano 7:38
3 Frozen Landscape, for violin (or cello) & piano 8:21
4 Requiem, for soprano & piano 14:38
5 Solitude, for violin (or cello) 6:55
6 Lamento, for violin, clarinet & prepared piano 7:18
7 Wolfgang is Dancing!, for violin, clarinet & cello 8:33

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Predatory Dances, for violin, cello & piano 13:01
2 Dance with the Devil, for piano 7:38
3 Frozen Landscape, for violin (or cello) & piano 8:21
4 Requiem, for soprano & piano - The Pain 1 4:06
5 Requiem, for soprano & piano - Love 2:29
6 Requiem, for soprano & piano - The Pain 2 2:11
7 Requiem, for soprano & piano - The Rose 2:23
8 Requiem, for soprano & piano - The Pain 3 3:29
9 Solitude, for violin (or cello) 6:55
10 Lamento, for violin, clarinet & prepared piano 7:18
11 Wolfgang is Dancing!, for violin, clarinet & cello 8:33

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