Romantic Connections

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Arsis Audio

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 29:43
2 Sonata for piano, 4 hands in G minor, Op. 17 20:42
3 Allegro Brillant, for piano, 4 hands in A major, Op. 92 9:09

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 1, Geburtstamarsch in C major 2:32
2 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 2, Barentanz in A minor 1:20
3 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 3, Gartenmelodie in F sharp minor, Nicht schnell 2:40
4 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 4, Beim Kranzewinden in F major, Nicht schnell 1:44
5 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 5, Kroatenmarsch in A minor, Lebhaft 2:38
6 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 6, Trauer in D minor, Nicht Schnell 2:37
7 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 7, Turniermarsch in C major, Sehr kraftig 4:26
8 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 8, Reige in G major, Einfach 1:41
9 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 9, Am Springbrunnen in D major, So schnell als moglich 2:37
10 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 10, Verstecken's in F major, Schnell 1:25
11 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 11, Gespenstermarchen in D minor, Ziemlich rasch 3:12
12 Pieces for Children Big and Small (12), for piano, 4 hands, Op. 85 - No. 12, Abendlied in D flat major, Ausdrucksvoll und sehr gehalten 2:51
13 Sonata for piano, 4 hands in G minor, Op. 17 - Langasm, Sehr Lebhaft 7:58
14 Sonata for piano, 4 hands in G minor, Op. 17 - Massig Bewegt 4:58
15 Sonata for piano, 4 hands in G minor, Op. 17 - Langasm, Grazios, und nicht zu Rasch 7:46
16 Allegro Brillant, for piano, 4 hands in A major, Op. 92 9:09

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