Salvatore Martirano: That Shakespeherian Rag, etc.

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label New World Records
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cocktail Music, for piano 6:21
2 Octet, for winds, strings & persussion 6:57
3 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano 6:25
4 Ballad, for voice & chamber ensemble 11:37
5 Stuck on Stella, for piano 13:05
6 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble 22:43

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cocktail Music, for piano 6:21
1 Cocktail Music, for piano 6:21
2 Octet, for winds, strings & persussion 6:57
2 Octet, for winds, strings & persussion 6:57
3 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - I. In Just Spring 2:41
3 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - I. In Just Spring 2:41
4 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - II. Hist Whist 1:42
4 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - II. Hist Whist 1:42
5 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - III. Tumbling Hair 2:02
5 Chansons innocentes, for soprano & piano - III. Tumbling Hair 2:02
6 Ballad, for voice & chamber ensemble 11:37
6 Ballad, for voice & chamber ensemble 11:37
7 Stuck on Stella, for piano 13:05
7 Stuck on Stella, for piano 13:05
8 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Winter 6:04
8 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Winter 6:04
9 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Lullaby 7:26
9 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Lullaby 7:26
10 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Warning 4:06
10 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Warning 4:06
11 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Spring 5:07
11 O, O, O, O, That Shakespeherian Rag, for chorus & ensemble - Spring 5:07

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