Soaring with Agamemnon

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Marquis Classics
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Burlesque for cello and piano 4:19
2 Pop's Cycle (Eclectic Suite) 11:53
3 Sagittarius for cello and piano: Andante 4:08
4 The South Downs, for cello & piano 13:04
5 Rondo in Stride for cello and piano 6:00
6 Eclogue for solo cello 11:24
7 The Swan Sees His Reflection for cello and piano 4:01
8 Eight Duets for Young Cellists 10:01
9 Spiegel im Spiegel, for violin & piano 7:13

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Burlesque for cello and piano 4:19
2 Pop's Cycle (Eclectic Suite) - 1. Potpourri 5:04
3 Pop's Cycle (Eclectic Suite) - 2. Song of Light 3:43
4 Pop's Cycle (Eclectic Suite) - 3. Ripsnorter Finale 3:06
5 Sagittarius for cello and piano - Andante 4:08
6 The South Downs, for cello & piano 13:04
7 Rondo in Stride for cello and piano 6:00
8 Eclogue for solo cello 11:24
9 The Swan Sees His Reflection for cello and piano 4:01
10 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 1. Pitter Patter, Mouse in Batter :58
11 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 2. You and Me :54
12 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 3. The Mystery of a Cave 1:32
13 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 4. The Funny Bone 1:39
14 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 5. Two Giraffes 1:10
15 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 6. The Sad Clown with a Happy Face 1:10
16 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 7. Ambling Along 1:31
17 Eight Duets for Young Cellists - 8. Hop, Step, Skip 1:07
18 Spiegel im Spiegel, for violin & piano 7:13

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