
Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label AEI

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Sophie, musical: Red hot mama   -
2 Sophie, musical: Sunshine face   -
3 Sophie, musical: Patsy   -
4 Sophie, musical: I'll show them all   -
5 Sophie, musical: Queen of the burlesque wheel   -
6 Sophie, musical: When you carry your own suitcase   -
7 Sophie, musical: When I'm in love   -
8 Sophie, musical: I want the kind of fella   -
9 Sophie, musical: Who are we kidding?   -
10 Sophie, musical: Don't look back   -
11 Sophie, musical: I'd know it (if I were in love)   -
12 Sophie, musical: I love you today   -
13 Sophie, musical: With you   -
14 Sophie, musical: They've got a lot to learn   -
15 Sophie, musical: They led me to believe   -
16 Sophie, musical: Fight for the man   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Sophie, musical   -
2 Sophie, musical   -
3 Sophie, musical   -
4 Sophie, musical   -
5 Sophie, musical   -
6 Sophie, musical   -
7 Sophie, musical   -
8 Sophie, musical   -
9 Sophie, musical   -
10 Sophie, musical   -
11 Sophie, musical   -
12 Sophie, musical   -
13 Sophie, musical   -
14 Sophie, musical   -
15 Sophie, musical   -
16 Sophie, musical   -

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