South Pacific

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Double Play Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 South Pacific, musical: Overture   -
2 Some Enchanted Evening, song (from "South Pacific")   -
3 Younger than Springtime, song (from "South Pacific")   -
4 You've Got to Be Carefully Taught, song (from "South Pacific")   -
5 This Nearly Was Mine, song (from "South Pacific")   -
6 Happy Talk, song (from "South Pacific")   -
7 Bali Ha'i, song (from "South Pacific")   -
8 A Cock-Eyed Optimist, song (from "South Pacific")   -
9 Dites-Moi, song (from "South Pacific")   -
10 A Wonderful Guy, song (from "South Pacific")   -
11 Honey Bun, song (from "South Pacific")   -
12 I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair, song (from "South Pacific")   -
13 Twin Soliloquies, song (from "South Pacific")   -
14 There Is Nothin' Like a Dame, song (from "South Pacific")   -
15 Bloody Mary, song (from "South Pacific")   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 South Pacific, musical   -
2 Some Enchanted Evening, song (from "South Pacific")   -
3 Younger than Springtime, song (from "South Pacific")   -
4 You've Got to Be Carefully Taught, song (from "South Pacific")   -
5 This Nearly Was Mine, song (from "South Pacific")   -
6 Happy Talk, song (from "South Pacific")   -
7 Bali Ha'i, song (from "South Pacific")   -
8 A Cock-Eyed Optimist, song (from "South Pacific")   -
9 Dites-Moi, song (from "South Pacific")   -
10 A Wonderful Guy, song (from "South Pacific")   -
11 Honey Bun, song (from "South Pacific")   -
12 I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair, song (from "South Pacific")   -
13 Twin Soliloquies, song (from "South Pacific")   -
14 There Is Nothin' Like a Dame, song (from "South Pacific")   -
15 Bloody Mary, song (from "South Pacific")   -

Bewertungen zu South Pacific

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