Stravinsky: The Ballets [Box Set]

Artist Robert Craft
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Naxos
Erschienen 2009

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts 52:24
2 Les Noces III (The Wedding), ballet in 4 tableaux for vocal soloists, chorus, 4 pianos & percussion 24:00
3 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra 44:44
4 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) 33:49
5 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra 36:19
6 Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy’s Kiss), ballet in 4 scenes for orchestra 41:51
7 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra 32:02
8 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts 44:04
9 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra 28:20
10 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra 20:47
11 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra 28:19
12 Jeu de cartes (Card Game), ballet in "three deals" for orchestra 22:50
13 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra 18:46
14 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra 14:28
15 Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam, for orchestra 5:52
16 Capriccio, for piano & orchestra 17:01

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Prologue 7:48
2 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Introducing Creon 7:48
3 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Introducing Tiresias 9:55
4 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Introducing Jocasta 11:03
5 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Introducing the Messenger 9:04
6 Oedipus Rex, opera-oratorio in 2 acts - Epilogue 6:46
7 Les Noces III (The Wedding), ballet in 4 tableaux for vocal soloists, chorus, 4 pianos & percussion - Scene One 5:02
8 Les Noces III (The Wedding), ballet in 4 tableaux for vocal soloists, chorus, 4 pianos & percussion - Scene Two 5:40
9 Les Noces III (The Wedding), ballet in 4 tableaux for vocal soloists, chorus, 4 pianos & percussion - Scene Three 3:02
10 Les Noces III (The Wedding), ballet in 4 tableaux for vocal soloists, chorus, 4 pianos & percussion - Scene Four 10:16
11 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Introduction 2:32
12 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Night. Kastchei's Enchanted Garden 1:40
13 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Firebird enters, pursued by Ivan Tsarevich 2:16
14 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Firebird's Dance 1:19
15 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Ivan Tsarevich captures the Firebird :55
16 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Firebird begs to be released 5:27
17 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Entrance of the Thirteen Enchanted Princesses 2:17
18 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Princesses play with the golden apples (Scherzo) 2:31
19 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Ivan Tsarevich appears :58
20 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Princesses' Khorovod (Round Dance) 4:36
21 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Daybreak 1:27
22 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Ivan Tsarevich, entering Kastchei's palace, sets off its Magic Carillon, alerting Kastchei 1:34
23 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The entrance of Kastchei the Immortal 1:08
24 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Dialogue between Kastchei and Ivan Tsarevich 1:03
25 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Princesses plead for mercy 1:04
26 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Firebird enters :35
27 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Dance of Kastchei's retinue under the Firebird's magic spell :49
28 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Infernal Dance of Kastchei and his subjects under the Firebird's magic spell 4:38
29 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. The Firebird's Lullaby 2:28
30 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Kastchei awakens 1:09
31 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Kastchei's death 1:19
32 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Kastchei's spell is broken, his palace disappears, and the Petrified Knights return to lif 2:59
33 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - First Tableau. The Shrove-Tide Fair 5:08
34 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - First Tableau. The Mountebank (Flute solo) [58] 1:48
35 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - First Tableau. Russian Dance [64] 2:41
36 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Second Tableau. In Petrushka's Cell [93]. Impetuoso 4:23
37 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Third Tableau. The Blackamoor [120] 2:26
38 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Third Tableau. The Ballerina (Cornet solo) :44
39 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Third Tableau. Valse: Ballerina and Blackamoor. Lento cantabile 3:12
40 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. The Shrove-Tide Fair [161] 1:09
41 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. The Dance of the Wet-Nurses [170] 2:33
42 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Peasant with Bear (Tuba solo) [188] 1:23
43 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Gypsies and a Rake Vendor [196] 1:09
44 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Dance of the Coachmen [213] 2:02
45 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Masqueraders [234] 1:34
46 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. The Scuffle: Blackamoor and Petrushka :50
47 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Death of Petrushka [258] :44
48 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Police and the Juggler [260] 1:12
49 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) - Fourth Tableau. Vociferation of Petrushka's Ghost [265] :51
50 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Overture 1:54
51 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Serenata: Mentre l'erbetta 2:28
52 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - (A) Scherzino;(B) Allegro;(C) Andantino;(D) Allegro 5:59
53 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegretto: Contento forse vivere 1:41
54 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro assai 1:55
55 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro (alla breve): Con queste paroline 3:32
56 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Largo: Sento dire no' ncè pace 1:01
57 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Chi disse cà la femmena :26
58 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro: Ncè sta quaccuna po' :32
59 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Presto: Una te fa la 'nzemprece 1:03
60 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Larghetto :25
61 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro alla breve 1:10
62 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro moderato: Tarantella 1:10
63 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Andantino: Se tu m'ami 2:08
64 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Toccata :55
65 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Allegro moderato: Gavotta with two variations (Allegretto, Allegro) 3:57
66 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Vivo 1:34
67 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Minuet: Pupillette, fiammette 2:13
68 Pulcinella, ballet with song in 1 act, for 3 vocal soloists & orchestra - Finale: Allegro assai 2:16
69 Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy’s Kiss), ballet in 4 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1 7:57
70 Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy’s Kiss), ballet in 4 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2 10:48
71 Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy’s Kiss), ballet in 4 scenes for orchestra - Scene 3 18:31
72 Le baiser de la fée (The Fairy’s Kiss), ballet in 4 scenes for orchestra - Scene 4 4:35
73 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. Introduction 3:16
74 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. The Augurs of Spring / Dances of the Young Girls 3:13
75 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. Ritual of Abduction 1:18
76 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. Spring Rounds 3:09
77 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. Ritual of the Rival Tribes 3:09
78 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - First Part - Adoration of the Earth. Dance of the Earth 1:17
79 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Introduction 3:31
80 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Mystic Circles of the Young Girls 3:08
81 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Glorification of the Chosen One 1:36
82 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Evocation of the Ancestors :41
83 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Ritual Action of the Ancestors 2:58
84 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra - Second Part - The Sacrifice. Sacrificial Dance 4:46
85 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Introduction 2:53
86 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Fisherman 3:32
87 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Nightingale's Aria 3:00
88 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Chamberlain, Bonze, Cook, Courtiers 2:50
89 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Second Entrance of the Nightingale :46
90 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Chamberlain and Bonze :24
91 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Nightingale's Second Aria :44
92 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Chamberlain and Bonze :51
93 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 1: The forest at dawn. Fisherman 1:29
94 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Prelude: Chorus and Orchestra 1:23
95 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Cook :19
96 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Reprise of the Prelude :22
97 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Chinese March 3:10
98 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Chamberlain :13
99 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Song of the Nightingale 4:11
100 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. The Japanese Envoys 1:18
101 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. The Mechanical Nightingale :58
102 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. The Emperor, Chamberlain, Courtiers :59
103 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Reprise of the Chinese March :49
104 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 2: The porcelain palace of the Chinese Emperor. Fisherman :59
105 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Prelude 2:42
106 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Chorus of Ghosts, Emperor 1:07
107 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Nightingale 2:12
108 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Death and the Nightingale 1:28
109 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. The Nightingale's Aria 1:25
110 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Emperor and Nightingale 1:40
111 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Funeral Procession 1:14
112 Le Rossignol, opera (lyric tale) in 3 acts - Scene 3: The Emperor's Bedchamber. Fisherman 1:06
113 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Prologue: The Birth of Apollo 4:02
114 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Apollo's Variation 3:01
115 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Pas d'action: Apollo and the Muses 4:20
116 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Variation of Calliope 1:21
117 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Variation of Polymnia 1:16
118 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Variation of Terpsichore 1:31
119 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Variation of Apollo 2:06
120 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Pas de deux: Apollo and Terpsichore 4:06
121 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Coda: Apollo and the Muses 3:23
122 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Apotheosis: Apollo and the Muses 3:14
123 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 1. Pas de quatre 1:29
124 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 1. Double Pas de quatre 1:23
125 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 1. Triple Pas de quatre 1:02
126 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 2. Prelude :44
127 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 2. First Pas de trois: Saraband-Step 1:11
128 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 2. Gaillarde 1:12
129 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 2. Coda 1:20
130 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 3. Interlude :44
131 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 3. Second Pas de trois: Bransle Simple :54
132 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 3. Bransle Gay :45
133 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 3. Bransle Double (Bransle de Poitou) 1:22
134 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 4. Interlude :44
135 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 4. Pas de deux. Più mosso. L'istesso tempo. Refrain 3:41
136 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 4. Coda. Doppio lento. Quasi stretto. Coda 1:30
137 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 4. Four Duos :30
138 Agon, ballet for 12 dancers & orchestra - 4. Four Trios 2:16
139 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Lento sostenuto 2:20
140 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Air de Danse 3:16
141 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Dance of the Angel of Death 2:02
142 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 1. Interlude 1:29
143 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Dance of the Furies 3:00
144 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Air de Danse 2:18
145 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Interlude :20
146 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Air de Danse :39
147 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Pas d'action 1:49
148 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Pas de Deux 5:07
149 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Interlude 1:01
150 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 2. Pas d'action 2:21
151 Orpheus, ballet in 3 scenes for orchestra - Scene 3. Apotheosis 2:37
152 Jeu de cartes (Card Game), ballet in "three deals" for orchestra - First Deal 5:25
153 Jeu de cartes (Card Game), ballet in "three deals" for orchestra - Second Deal 9:25
154 Jeu de cartes (Card Game), ballet in "three deals" for orchestra - Third Deal 8:00
155 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra - Marche - Introduction 1:51
156 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra - Pas d' action - Con moto 3:20
157 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra - Thème varié: Lento with four variations and Coda (Allegretto - Scherzando - Andantino - Tempo gioco 7:50
158 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra - Pas-de-deux: Risoputo - Andante sostenuto 4:44
159 Danses concertantes, for chamber orchestra - Marche - Conclusion 1:01
160 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Introduction: Andante :39
161 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Danses (Corps de Ballet): Moderato 2:52
162 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Variations (Ballerina): Con moto :53
163 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Pantomime: Lento, Andantino, Più mosso - Pas-de-deux: Adagio 4:21
164 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Pantomime: Agitato :29
165 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Variation: Risoluto - Variation (Ballerina): Andantino - Pantomime: Andantino - Danses (Corps de Ba 3:18
166 Scènes de ballet, for orchestra - Apothéose 1:56
167 Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam, for orchestra 5:52
168 Capriccio, for piano & orchestra - Allegro 6:18
169 Capriccio, for piano & orchestra - Andante rapsodico 5:01
170 Capriccio, for piano & orchestra - Allegro capriccioso 5:42

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