The Lesser Known Nielsen, Vol. 4

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Rondo Grammofon
Erschienen 1990

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Solnedgang (Sunset), song for voice & piano, FS 12/1 (Op. 4/1) 2:07
2 I seraillets have (In the Seraglio Garden), song for voice & piano, FS 12/2 (Op. 4/2) 1:38
3 Til Asali (To Asali), song for voice & piano, FS 12/3 (Op. 4/3) 1:19
4 Irmelin Rose, song for voice & piano, FS 12/4 (Op. 4/4) 2:21
5 Har dagen sanket al sin sorg (Has the Day Gathered all its Sorrow), song for voice & piano, FS 12/5 (Op. 4/5) 3:08
6 Forunderligt at sige (Strange to Say), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/1 2:20
7 Maria sad paa hø og straa (Maria sat upon hay & straw), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/2 3:08
8 Guds engle i flok (God's angels sing in chorus), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/3 1:23
9 Nu sol i Øst oprinder mild (Now the Sun In the East), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/4 1:45
10 Ak, min Rose visner bort (Alas, My Rose), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/5 2:28
11 Under korset stod med smerte (In Pain Beneath the Cross), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/6 2:42
12 Det er et Under paa Verdens (It Is a Wonder), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/7 1:50
13 Min Jesus, lad mit hjerte faa (Jesus mine, let my heart savor), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/8 1:57
14 Solen er saa rød, Mor (The Sun Is So Red, Mother), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/2 3:48
15 Den første Lærke (The First Lark), song for voice & piano (Strophic Songs), FS 42/5 (Op. 21/5) 1:35
16 Willemoes, incidental music, FS 44: Vibekes Sang (Vibeke's Song) 1:36
17 Willemoes, incidental music, FS 44: Havets Sang: Havet omkring Danmark (The Song of the Sea: The Sea Aroun 3:26
18 Tove, incidental music, FS 43: Vi Sletternes Sønner (We Sons of the Plains) 3:25
19 Tove, incidental music, FS 43: Fuglefængervise (The Bird-Catcher's Song) 0:42
20 Tove, incidental music, FS 43: Toves Sang (Tove's Song) 2:10
21 Tove, incidental music, FS 43: Jægersang (The Hunter's Song) 3:23
22 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89): Gulnares Sang (Gulnare's Song) 2:21
23 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89): Aladdins Vuggevise (Aladdin's Lullaby) 3:04
24 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89): Fatimas Sang (Fatima's Song) 2:36
25 Jeg ved en Lærkerede (I know a lark's nest), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS114/1 1:08
26 Solen er saa rød, Mor (The Sun Is So Red, Mother), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/2 1:52
27 Tyst som Aa i Engen rinder (As Quietly as the Stream Runs...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS114/3 1:36
28 Spurven sidder stum bag Kvist (The Sparrow Sits in Silence...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/4 2:15
29 Den Spillemand han spiller paa Strenge (The Fiddler Is Playing...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/5 1:02
30 Naar Smaabørn klynker ved Aftentide (When Children Whimper...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/6 1:26
31 Grøn er Vaarens Hæk (Green Is the Hedge in Spring), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/7 2:37
32 Jeg lægger mig saa trygt til Ro (I Settle Down to Sleep So Snug), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/8 1:27
33 O, hvor er jeg glad i Dag (O, Today I Am So Happy), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/9 1:03
34 Den danske sang (The Danish song), for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/10 2:32

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Solnedgang (Sunset), song for voice & piano, FS 12/1 (Op. 4/1) 2:07
2 I seraillets have (In the Seraglio Garden), song for voice & piano, FS 12/2 (Op. 4/2) 1:38
3 Til Asali (To Asali), song for voice & piano, FS 12/3 (Op. 4/3) 1:19
4 Irmelin Rose, song for voice & piano, FS 12/4 (Op. 4/4) 2:21
5 Har dagen sanket al sin sorg (Has the Day Gathered all its Sorrow), song for voice & piano, FS 12/5 (Op. 4/5) 3:08
6 Forunderligt at sige (Strange to Say), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/1 2:20
7 Maria sad paa hø og straa (Maria sat upon hay & straw), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/2 3:08
8 Guds engle i flok (God's angels sing in chorus), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/3 1:23
9 Nu sol i Øst oprinder mild (Now the Sun In the East), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/4 1:45
10 Ak, min Rose visner bort (Alas, My Rose), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/5 2:28
11 Under korset stod med smerte (In Pain Beneath the Cross), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/6 2:42
12 Det er et Under paa Verdens (It Is a Wonder), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/7 1:50
13 Min Jesus, lad mit hjerte faa (Jesus mine, let my heart savor), song for voice & piano (Hymns & Sacred Songs), FS 83/8 1:57
14 Solen er saa rød, Mor (The Sun Is So Red, Mother), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/2 3:48
15 Den første Lærke (The First Lark), song for voice & piano (Strophic Songs), FS 42/5 (Op. 21/5) 1:35
16 Willemoes, incidental music, FS 44 - Vibekes Sang (Vibeke's Song) 1:36
17 Willemoes, incidental music, FS 44 - Havets Sang: Havet omkring Danmark (The Song of the Sea: The Sea Aroun 3:26
18 Tove, incidental music, FS 43 - Vi Sletternes Sønner (We Sons of the Plains) 3:25
19 Tove, incidental music, FS 43 - Fuglefængervise (The Bird-Catcher's Song) :42
20 Tove, incidental music, FS 43 - Toves Sang (Tove's Song) 2:10
21 Tove, incidental music, FS 43 - Jægersang (The Hunter's Song) 3:23
22 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89) - Gulnares Sang (Gulnare's Song) 2:21
23 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89) - Aladdins Vuggevise (Aladdin's Lullaby) 3:04
24 Aladdin, incidental music, Op. 34 (FS 89) - Fatimas Sang (Fatima's Song) 2:36
25 Jeg ved en Lærkerede (I know a lark's nest), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS114/1 1:08
26 Solen er saa rød, Mor (The Sun Is So Red, Mother), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/2 1:52
27 Tyst som Aa i Engen rinder (As Quietly as the Stream Runs...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS114/3 1:36
28 Spurven sidder stum bag Kvist (The Sparrow Sits in Silence...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/4 2:15
29 Den Spillemand han spiller paa Strenge (The Fiddler Is Playing...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/5 1:02
30 Naar Smaabørn klynker ved Aftentide (When Children Whimper...), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/6 1:26
31 Grøn er Vaarens Hæk (Green Is the Hedge in Spring), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/7 2:37
32 Jeg lægger mig saa trygt til Ro (I Settle Down to Sleep So Snug), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/8 1:27
33 O, hvor er jeg glad i Dag (O, Today I Am So Happy), song for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/9 1:03
34 Den danske sang (The Danish song), for voice & piano (Little Danish Songs), FS 114/10 2:32

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