The Spirit of Gambo: Music by Tobias Hume

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche ()
Label Glossa
Erschienen 1996

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cease Leaden Slumber, the Queens New-yeeres Gift (from Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke) 5:05
2 The Spirite of Musicke (from The First Part of Ayres) 5:19
3 The Pashion of Musicke. Sir Christopher Hattons choice 4:03
4 An Almaine 3:08
5 The Lady of Sussex Delight, for ensemble 1:52
6 A Pollish Vilanell 2:07
7 The Spirit of Gambo. The Lord Dewys favoret 2:56
8 The Earl of Arundel's Favoret, for ensemble ("Sweet ayre") 4:12
9 A Mery Conceit. The Q(ueens) delight 1:56
10 Captaine Humes Pauin (No 46 in Musical Humors) 4:44
11 A Jigg for Ladies for ensemble 1:05
12 A Souldiers Resolution, (No 11 in Musical Humors) 4:01
13 The Earl of Pembrooke's Galiard, for bass & ensemble 2:21
14 Deth, for ensemble 6:36
15 Life (No 13 in Musical Humors) 1:31
16 Captaine Humes Galliard 2:31
17 This sport is ended, for ensemble 1:26
18 My Joyes are Comming. the Lady of Bedfords Delight 1:50
19 Fain Would I Change That Note for soprano & ensemble 2:21
20 My Mistresse hath a Pritty Thing (from The First Part of Ayres) 2:19
21 Touche me lightly (No 38 in Musical Humors) 2:12
22 Tickle Me Quickly 0:44
23 She Loves It Well 0:22
24 Hit It in the Middle 1:06
25 Adue Sweet Love 2:14
26 I Am Melancholy 4:01
27 What Greater Griefe, for soprano & ensemble (from Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke) 4:09
28 Love's Pastime 1:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cease Leaden Slumber, the Queens New-yeeres Gift (from Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke)   -
2 The Spirite of Musicke (from The First Part of Ayres)   -
3 The Pashion of Musicke. Sir Christopher Hattons choice   -
4 An Almaine   -
5 The Lady of Sussex Delight, for ensemble   -
6 A Pollish Vilanell   -
7 The Spirit of Gambo. The Lord Dewys favoret   -
8 The Earl of Arundel's Favoret, for ensemble ("Sweet ayre")   -
9 A Mery Conceit. The Q(ueens) delight   -
10 Captaine Humes Pauin (No 46 in Musical Humors)   -
11 A Jigg for Ladies for ensemble   -
12 A Souldiers Resolution, (No 11 in Musical Humors)   -
13 The Earl of Pembrooke's Galiard, for bass & ensemble   -
14 Deth, for ensemble   -
15 Life (No 13 in Musical Humors)   -
16 Captaine Humes Galliard   -
17 This sport is ended, for ensemble   -
18 My Joyes are Comming. the Lady of Bedfords Delight   -
19 Fain Would I Change That Note for soprano & ensemble   -
20 My Mistresse hath a Pritty Thing (from The First Part of Ayres)   -
21 Touche me lightly (No 38 in Musical Humors)   -
22 Tickle Me Quickly   -
23 She Loves It Well   -
24 Hit It in the Middle   -
25 Adue Sweet Love   -
26 I Am Melancholy   -
27 What Greater Griefe, for soprano & ensemble (from Captaine Humes Poeticall Musicke)   -
28 Love's Pastime   -

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