The Ultimate John Taverner

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Sony Music
Erschienen 2003

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra 47:46
2 Canticle of the Mother of God, for soprano & chorus 12:35
3 Song for Athene, for chorus 7:11
4 Ikon of the Nativity, for chorus 6:41
5 The Lamb, for chorus 3:53
6 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings 77:33

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - The Protecting Veil 14:59
2 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - Annunciation 2:58
3 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - The Incarnation 3:43
4 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - Lament of the Mother of God at the Cross 12:03
5 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - Christ is Risen! 3:01
6 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - The Dormition of the Mother of God 7:56
7 The Protecting Veil, for cello & orchestra - The Protecting Veil 3:06
8 Canticle of the Mother of God, for soprano & chorus 12:35
9 Song for Athene, for chorus 7:11
10 Ikon of the Nativity, for chorus 6:41
11 The Lamb, for chorus 3:53
12 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 1, Ikos 1 7:31
13 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 2, Ikos 2 6:27
14 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 3, Ikos 3 7:01
15 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 4, Ikos 4 6:39
16 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 5, Ikos 5 5:46
17 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 6, Ikos 6 7:43
18 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 7, Ikos 7 6:54
19 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 8, Ikos 8 6:54
20 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 9, Ikos 9 10:14
21 Akathist of Thanksgiving, for solo voices, chorus, percussion, organ & strings - Kontakion 10 12:24

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