Thomas Tomkins Songs of 4, 5 & 6 Parts

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Hungaroton

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The fauns and satyrs tripping, madrigal for 5 voices 4:23
2 Phyllis, Now Cease to Move Me 2:23
3 Phyllis, yet see him dying, madrigal for 5 voices 2:24
4 Come, sheperds, sing with me, madrigal for 5 voices 2:15
5 To the shady woods 1:24
6 See, See the Shepheards' Queene for 5 voices (madrigal) 2:09
7 O let me live for true love, madrigal 3:23
8 O Let Me Dye for True Love, madrigal 3:28
9 Oyez! Has Any Found A Lad? for 4 voices (madrigal) 1:48
10 Weepe No More, Thou Sorry Boy for 4 voices 2:55
11 Yet again, as soon revived, madrigal for 4 voices 3:31
12 Was ever wretch tormented, madrigal for 4 voices 3:58
13 Musicke divine, madrigal for 6 voices 3:32
14 It Is My Well-Beloved's voice for 6 voices 3:07
15 Cloris, when as I woe, madrigal for 5 voices 2:42
16 Too Much I Once Lamented for 5 voices 5:25
17 Woe Is Me for 6 voices 3:44
18 Turne unto the Lord, madrigal for 6 voices 3:09
19 When David Heard That Absalom Was Slain, for 5 voices 4:09
20 Adue, Ye Citty-Prisoning Towers for 5 voices 2:01
21 Fusca, in thy starry eyes, madrigal for 5 voices 2:39
22 When I observe, madrigal for 6 voices 2:57
23 Oft did I marle, madrigal for 6 voices 3:23

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The fauns and satyrs tripping, madrigal for 5 voices 4:23
2 Phyllis, Now Cease to Move Me 2:23
3 Phyllis, yet see him dying, madrigal for 5 voices 2:24
4 Come, sheperds, sing with me, madrigal for 5 voices 2:15
5 To the shady woods 1:24
6 See, See the Shepheards' Queene for 5 voices (madrigal) 2:09
7 O let me live for true love, madrigal 3:23
8 O Let Me Dye for True Love, madrigal 3:28
9 Oyez! Has Any Found A Lad? for 4 voices (madrigal) 1:48
10 Weepe No More, Thou Sorry Boy for 4 voices 2:55
11 Yet again, as soon revived, madrigal for 4 voices 3:31
12 Was ever wretch tormented, madrigal for 4 voices 3:58
13 Musicke divine, madrigal for 6 voices 3:32
14 It Is My Well-Beloved's voice for 6 voices 3:07
15 Cloris, when as I woe, madrigal for 5 voices 2:42
16 Too Much I Once Lamented for 5 voices 5:25
17 Woe Is Me for 6 voices 3:44
18 Turne unto the Lord, madrigal for 6 voices 3:09
19 When David Heard That Absalom Was Slain, for 5 voices 4:09
20 Adue, Ye Citty-Prisoning Towers for 5 voices 2:01
21 Fusca, in thy starry eyes, madrigal for 5 voices 2:39
22 When I observe, madrigal for 6 voices 2:57
23 Oft did I marle, madrigal for 6 voices 3:23

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