Vaughan Williams: Riders to the Sea; Epithalamion; Merciless Beauty

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Post-Romatische Musik (1870-1909)
Label EMI
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Riders to the Sea, opera 36:26
2 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) 6:33
3 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") 32:11

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Where is she?" 6:17
1 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Where is she?" 6:17
2 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Where is the bit of new rope" 7:00
2 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Where is the bit of new rope" 7:00
3 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Wait, Nora" 3:38
3 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Wait, Nora" 3:38
4 Riders to the Sea, opera - "You didn't give him his bit of bread?" 5:40
4 Riders to the Sea, opera - "You didn't give him his bit of bread?" 5:40
5 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Bartley will be lost now" 4:15
5 Riders to the Sea, opera - "Bartley will be lost now" 4:15
6 Riders to the Sea, opera - "They are all gone now" 9:36
6 Riders to the Sea, opera - "They are all gone now" 9:36
7 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 1, "Your eyen two" 2:33
7 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 1, "Your eyen two" 2:33
8 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 2, "So hath your beauty" 2:39
8 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 2, "So hath your beauty" 2:39
9 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 3, "Since I from love" 1:21
9 Merciless Beauty, rondels (3) for soprano or tenor, 2 violins & cello (or voice & piano) - No. 3, "Since I from love" 1:21
10 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 1, "Prologue": "Early, before the world's light-giving lamp" 3:06
10 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 1, "Prologue": "Early, before the world's light-giving lamp" 3:06
11 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 2, "Wake Now": "Wake now, my love, awake! for it is time" 2:38
11 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 2, "Wake Now": "Wake now, my love, awake! for it is time" 2:38
12 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 3, "The Calling of the Bride": "Now is my love all ready forth to come" 2:26
12 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 3, "The Calling of the Bride": "Now is my love all ready forth to come" 2:26
13 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 4, "The Minstrels": "Hark how the ministrels 'gin to shrill aloud" 1:39
13 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 4, "The Minstrels": "Hark how the ministrels 'gin to shrill aloud" 1:39
14 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 5, "Procession of the Bride": "Lo! where she comes along with portly pace" 2:23
14 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 5, "Procession of the Bride": "Lo! where she comes along with portly pace" 2:23
15 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 6, "The Temple Gates": "Open the temple gates unto my love" 3:41
15 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 6, "The Temple Gates": "Open the temple gates unto my love" 3:41
16 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 7, "The Bell Ringers": "Ring y the bells, ye young men of the Town" 1:44
16 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 7, "The Bell Ringers": "Ring y the bells, ye young men of the Town" 1:44
17 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 8, "The Lover's Song": "Ah! When will this long weary day have end" 5:54
17 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 8, "The Lover's Song": "Ah! When will this long weary day have end" 5:54
18 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 9, "The Minstrel's Song": "Now welomce night! thou night so long expected" 3:25
18 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 9, "The Minstrel's Song": "Now welomce night! thou night so long expected" 3:25
19 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 10, "Song of the Winged Loves": "The whiles an hundred little winged loves" 1:03
19 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 10, "Song of the Winged Loves": "The whiles an hundred little winged loves" 1:03
20 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 11, "Prayer to Juno": "And thou, great Juno! which with awful might" 4:12
20 Epithalamion, cantata for baritone, chorus & string orchestra (based on "The Bridal Day") - No. 11, "Prayer to Juno": "And thou, great Juno! which with awful might" 4:12

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