
Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Erasmus

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano: Windowpanes of ice   -
2 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano: A night in May   -
3 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano: In every little seashell   -
4 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5: No 2 Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging   -
5 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5: No 21 Christ fuhr gen Himmel   -
6 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5: No 31 Gott ist unsre Zuversicht   -
7 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5: No 35 Selig sind die Toten   -
8 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5: No 39 Wie der Hirsch schreiet   -
9 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7: No 1, Begone, dull care!   -
10 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7: No 3, Cuckoo!   -
11 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7: No 7, There was a man of Newington   -
12 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7: No 12, Old Abram Brown   -
13 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Barechu   -
14 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Shema   -
15 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Mi chamocha   -
16 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Veshameru   -
17 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Vaanachnu   -
18 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279: Iyhyu leratzon   -
19 De trein   -
20 Der Opschijd, Yiddish folksong   -
21 Vrijheid   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano   -
2 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano   -
3 Children's Songs (3) for voice & piano   -
4 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5   -
5 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5   -
6 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5   -
7 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5   -
8 Der Jahrkreis (The Ecclesiastical Calendar Year), for chorus, Op. 5   -
9 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7   -
10 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7   -
11 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7   -
12 Friday Afternoons, children's songs (12) for children's chorus & piano, Op. 7   -
13 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
14 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
15 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
16 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
17 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
18 Service sacre pour le samedi matin, for solo voice, reciter, chorus & orchestra (or organ), Op. 279   -
19 De trein   -
20 Der Opschijd, Yiddish folksong   -
21 Vrijheid   -

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