Bach: Johannespassion

Artist Volker Hempfling
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Avi-music
Erschienen 2005

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) 104:44
2 Applause 3:22

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Herr, unser Herrscher (Lord, thou our Master) 8:11
2 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern (Jesus went with his disciples) 2:26
3 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Choral. O großer Lieb (O wondrous love) :42
4 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Auf daß das Wort erfüllet würde (So that the prophesy might be fulfilled) 1:16
5 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Choral. Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich (Thy will must all creation do) :42
6 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann (The body of soldiers with their captain) :48
7 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Aria. Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (From the shackles of my vices) 4:40
8 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach (Simon Peter also followed with Jesus) :13
9 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Aria. Ich folge dir gleichfalls (I follow thee also) 3:46
10 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt (That other disciple to the High Priest lon 3:11
11 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Choral. Wer hat dich so geschlagen (Who was it Lord, did smite thee) 1:18
12 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden (Now Annas had Jesus bound) 2:20
13 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Aria. Ach, mein Sinn (Ah, my soul) 2:41
14 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 1. Choral. Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück (Peter, while his conscience slept) 1:08
15 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. Christus, der uns selig macht (Christ, who knew no sin or wrong) :53
16 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Da führeten sie Jesum (Then led away they Jesus) 4:08
17 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. Ach großer König (Ah, mighty King) 1:13
18 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm (Then Pilatus said unto him) 2:22
19 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Arioso. Betrachte, meine Seel (Bethink thee, O my soul) 2:04
20 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Aria. Mein Jesu, ach! Dein schmerzhaft Leider (Imagine, that his blood-bespattered body) 6:57
21 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone (The soldiers plaited then for him a crown) 5:33
22 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. Durch dein Gefängnis (Our freedom, Son of God) :37
23 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Die Jüden aber schrieen und sprachen (But the Jews cried out and shouted) 4:06
24 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Aria. Eilt, ihr angefochtenen Seelen (Come ye souls whom care oppresses) 4:07
25 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Allda kreuzigten sie ihn (And there crucified they him) 2:08
26 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. In meines Herzens Grunde (Within my heart's recesses) :51
27 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Die Kriegsknechte aber (And then did the soldiers) 3:38
28 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. Er nahm alles wohl in acht (Kin his final hour did he think) :51
29 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Und von Stund annahm sie der Jünger zu sich (That disciple took her to his own home) 1:24
30 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Aria. Es ist vollbracht (The end has come) 4:48
31 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Und neiget das Haupt und verschied (Then bowed his head and was gone) :28
32 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Aria e Chorale. Mein treuer Heiland, laß dich fragen (O thou my Saviour give me answer) 3:51
33 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Und siehte da, der Vorhang (And then behold, the veil) :32
34 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Arioso. Mein Herz, indem die ganze Welt (My heart, see all world) :52
35 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Aria. Zerfließe, mein Herze (With tears overflowing) 6:32
36 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Die Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war (The Chief Priests therefore, since it was the p 2:09
37 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (Help, O Christ, thou Son of God) :53
38 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Danach bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia (Then came unto Pilate Joseph of Arimathia) 2:03
39 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine (Rest well, beloved, sweetly sleeping) 6:24
40 St. John Passion (Johannespassion), BWV 245 (BC D2) - Part 2. Choral. Ach Herr, laß dein lieben Engelein (Ah Lord, when comes that final day) 1:58
41 Applause 3:22

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