Schubert: Sacred Works (complete), Vol. 2

Artist Wolfgang Sawallisch
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label MHS
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Kyrie for soprano, tenor, chorus, orchestra & organ in D minor, D. 31 4:04
2 Kyrie for chorus, orchestra & organ in F major, D. 66 5:55
3 Salve Regina, for tenor, organ & orchestra in B flat major, D. 106 5:38
4 Offertorium ("Totus in corde") in C major, for soprano & orchestra, D. 136 (Op. 46) 5:39
5 Stabat Mater for chorus, orchestra & organ in G minor, D. 175 6:54
6 Offertory ("Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in coelo") in A minor, for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 181 3:43
7 Gradual ("Benedictus es, Domine"), for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 184 (Op. posth. 150) 4:55
8 Offertorium ("Salve Regina"), for soprano, organ & orchestra in F major (Zweites Offertorium), D. 223 (Op. 47) 6:20
9 Tantum Ergo for soloists, chorus & orchestra in C major, D. 461 4:43
10 Tantum Ergo for chorus, orchestra & organ in C major, D. 460 1:57
11 Magnificat for soloists, chorus, orchestra & organ in C major, D. 486 9:01
12 Auguste jam coelestium, for soprano, tenor & orchestra in G major, D. 488 7:55
13 Offertorium III ("Salve Regina"), for soprano & orchestra in A major, D. 676 (Op. posth. 153) 9:18
14 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) 6:38
15 Psalm 23 ("Gott ist mein Hirt"), for female voices & piano, D. 706 (Op. posth. 132) 4:41
16 Tantum Ergo in C major for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 739 (Op. 45) 4:43
17 Tantum Ergo for chorus, orchestra & organ in D major, D. 750 4:08
18 Salve Regina, for male voices (and organ) in C major, D. 811 (Op. posth. 149) 6:01
19 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 24:27
20 Psalm 92 ("tôw l'hôdôs ladônoj"), for baritone solo & chorus, D. 953 5:23
21 Hymnus an den heiligen Geist ("Herr, unser Gott!"), for eight male voices, chorus & wind instruments, D. 964 (Op. posth. 154) 7:21
22 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 77:48

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Kyrie for soprano, tenor, chorus, orchestra & organ in D minor, D. 31   -
2 Kyrie for chorus, orchestra & organ in F major, D. 66   -
3 Salve Regina, for tenor, organ & orchestra in B flat major, D. 106   -
4 Offertorium ("Totus in corde") in C major, for soprano & orchestra, D. 136 (Op. 46)   -
5 Stabat Mater for chorus, orchestra & organ in G minor, D. 175   -
6 Offertory ("Tres sunt, qui testimonium dant in coelo") in A minor, for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 181   -
7 Gradual ("Benedictus es, Domine"), for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 184 (Op. posth. 150)   -
8 Offertorium ("Salve Regina"), for soprano, organ & orchestra in F major (Zweites Offertorium), D. 223 (Op. 47)   -
9 Tantum Ergo for soloists, chorus & orchestra in C major, D. 461   -
10 Tantum Ergo for chorus, orchestra & organ in C major, D. 460   -
11 Magnificat for soloists, chorus, orchestra & organ in C major, D. 486   -
12 Auguste jam coelestium, for soprano, tenor & orchestra in G major, D. 488   -
13 Offertorium III ("Salve Regina"), for soprano & orchestra in A major, D. 676 (Op. posth. 153)   -
14 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 1 ("Hosanna filio David")   -
15 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 2 ("In monte Oliveti")   -
16 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 3 ("Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus")   -
17 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 4 ("Pueri Hebraeorum")   -
18 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 5 ("Cum angelis et pueris")   -
19 Antiphons (6) for the Consecration of Palms on Palm Sunday, for mixed voices, D. 696 (Op. posth. 113) - Antiphon No. 6 ("Ingrediente Domino")   -
20 Psalm 23 ("Gott ist mein Hirt"), for female voices & piano, D. 706 (Op. posth. 132)   -
21 Tantum Ergo in C major for chorus, orchestra & organ, D. 739 (Op. 45)   -
22 Tantum Ergo for chorus, orchestra & organ in D major, D. 750   -
23 Salve Regina, for male voices (and organ) in C major, D. 811 (Op. posth. 149)   -
24 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Eingang ("Wohin soll ich mich wenden")   -
25 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Gloria ("Ehre, Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe!")   -
26 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Evangelium Und Credo ("Noch lag die Schopfung formlos da")   -
27 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Offertorium ("Du gabst, o Herr, mir Sein und Leben")   -
28 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Sanctus ("Heilig, heilig, heilig")   -
29 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Nach Der Wandlung ("Betrachttend Deine Huld und Gute")   -
30 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Zum Agnus Dei ("Mein Heiland, Herr und Meister")   -
31 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Schlussgesang ("Herr, du hast mein Fleh'n vernommen")   -
32 Deutsche Messe (German Mass), for mixed chorus, wind ensemble & organ, D. 872 - Anhang, Das Gebet Des Herrn ("Anbetend deine Macht und Grosse")   -
33 Psalm 92 ("tôw l'hôdôs ladônoj"), for baritone solo & chorus, D. 953   -
34 Hymnus an den heiligen Geist ("Herr, unser Gott!"), for eight male voices, chorus & wind instruments, D. 964 (Op. posth. 154)   -
35 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: Introduction   -
36 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "For the last hour let me rest here"   -
37 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "For one moment more?"   -
38 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Do not oppress his soul with laments"   -
39 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "O Lord of death, in the last fight"   -
40 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "My soul is filled with peace"   -
41 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Cold sweat runs from his brow"   -
42 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Welcome, my Nathanael"   -
43 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "When I have striven to follow Him"   -
44 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Nathanael, I admire you"   -
45 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "O Martha, O Martha, if you were calmer"   -
46 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "May comfort accompany you across"   -
47 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "When now, with a thousand torments"   -
48 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "God's love, in you he trusts"   -
49 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "In the most troubled night of sorrows"   -
50 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Ah, I still find him here"   -
51 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Jemina, daughter of the resurrection"   -
52 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Thus innocence falls asleep"   -
53 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "Then, on rapid wings"   -
54 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "That is what befell me, Lazarus"   -
55 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 1: "O merciful God, do not forsake him   -
56 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: Introduction   -
57 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Where am I?"   -
58 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Are you already preparing tombs"   -
59 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Whose is the lamenting voice?"   -
60 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Tarry here, my friend"   -
61 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Our friend sleeps gently and silently"   -
62 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Lay him in the flowers"   -
63 Lazarus, cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra (Die Feier der Auferstehung) (fragment), D. 689 - Act 2: "Do not wake her"   -

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