An Hour in the Garden of Eden

Artist Zamir Chorale of Boston
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Zamir Chorale

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Niggun (Melody), Hasidic song 3:15
2 Shalom aleikhem (Welcome) 1:59
3 Shabbat HaMalkah (The Sabbath Queen) 4:50
4 Eshet Hayil (A Capable Wife), Bratslaver melody 2:49
5 Eshet hayil (A Capable Wife), Moditzer melody 2:24
6 Barukh El Elyon (Blessed is the Exalted God) 8:31
7 Ki Eshmera Shabbat (As I Keep the Sabbath), Turkish melody 1:52
8 Azamer Bishvokhin (I Will Sing with Praises), Bratislaver melody 8:14
9 Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu (The Rock from Whom We Have Eaten), Spanish Sephardic melody 1:45
10 Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu (The Rock from Whom We Have Eaten), Northern European Ashkenazic melody 2:40
11 Deror Yikra (Proclaim Freedom), based on melodies from Turkey, Aden and Jerusalem 3:33
12 Yom Zeh LeYisrael (Trad. Moroccan) / Yismah Moshe (J. Amar) 5:32
13 Yodukha Ra'ayonai/Yah Ribon Alam (O Lord, Master of All Worlds), Moroccan melodies 5:03
14 Yah Ribon Alam (O Lord, Master of All Worlds) 4:29

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Niggun (Melody), Hasidic song 3:15
2 Shalom aleikhem (Welcome) 1:59
3 Shabbat HaMalkah (The Sabbath Queen) 4:50
4 Eshet Hayil (A Capable Wife), Bratslaver melody 2:49
5 Eshet hayil (A Capable Wife), Moditzer melody 2:24
6 Barukh El Elyon (Blessed is the Exalted God) 8:31
7 Ki Eshmera Shabbat (As I Keep the Sabbath), Turkish melody 1:52
8 Azamer Bishvokhin (I Will Sing with Praises), Bratislaver melody 8:14
9 Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu (The Rock from Whom We Have Eaten), Spanish Sephardic melody 1:45
10 Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu (The Rock from Whom We Have Eaten), Northern European Ashkenazic melody 2:40
11 Deror Yikra (Proclaim Freedom), based on melodies from Turkey, Aden and Jerusalem 3:33
12 Yom Zeh LeYisrael (Trad. Moroccan) / Yismah Moshe (J. Amar) 5:32
13 Yodukha Ra'ayonai/Yah Ribon Alam (O Lord, Master of All Worlds), Moroccan melodies 5:03
14 Yah Ribon Alam (O Lord, Master of All Worlds) 4:29

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