Music of Zenobia Powell Perry

Artist Zenobia Powell Perry
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Cambria

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano 10:51
2 Sinner Man So Hard, Believe!, for piano 4:33
3 Hallelujah to the Lamb, for piano 2:50
4 Sonata for clarinet & piano 10:31
5 Sonatine for piano 4:21
6 O de Angels Done Bowed Down, for voice & piano 3:54
7 Homage to William Levi Dawson on His 90th Birthday, for piano 4:13
8 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano 10:58
9 Heritage and Life, songs (4) for voice & piano 6:50
10 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano 13:17
11 Promenade, for piano 2:44
12 Flight, for piano 1:44

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano - Sunset 2:15
2 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano - On a Clean Brook 1:00
3 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano - Spring Song 2:09
4 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano - Drizzle 2:17
5 Cycle of Songs on Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar, for voice & piano - Life 3:10
6 Sinner Man So Hard, Believe!, for piano 4:33
7 Hallelujah to the Lamb, for piano 2:50
8 Sonata for clarinet & piano - Fast 2:54
9 Sonata for clarinet & piano - Moderately Slow 2:47
10 Sonata for clarinet & piano - Rather Lively 2:20
11 Sonata for clarinet & piano - Very Fast 2:30
12 Sonatine for piano 4:21
13 O de Angels Done Bowed Down, for voice & piano 3:54
14 Homage to William Levi Dawson on His 90th Birthday, for piano 4:13
15 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano - Threnody 2:03
16 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano - Alien 2:07
17 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano - Benediction 2:50
18 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano - Poet 1:14
19 Threnody Song Cycle, for voice & piano - Pastourelle 2:44
20 Heritage and Life, songs (4) for voice & piano - Rhapsody 1:50
21 Heritage and Life, songs (4) for voice & piano - Immortality 1:29
22 Heritage and Life, songs (4) for voice & piano - Kid Stuff 2:06
23 Heritage and Life, songs (4) for voice & piano - How Charming Is The Place 1:25
24 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O son of spirit 3:04
25 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O children of men 1:36
26 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O son of being 2:49
27 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O friends abandon not the everlasting beauty 1:51
28 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O companion of my throne 2:16
29 The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, for soprano, flute & piano - O oppressors on earth withdraw 1:41
30 Promenade, for piano 2:44
31 Flight, for piano 1:44

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