Cloud Cult

Gegründet 1995 in Duluth, MN
Band-Mitglieder Saint Sarah Young, Dan Greenwood, Craig Minowa, Mara Stemm, Matthew Freed
Hauptgenre Rock
Land Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


Cloud Cult ist eine von Singer/Songwriter Craig Minowa 1995 in Minneapolis, Minnesota gegründete Indie-Rock Band. Der Name stammt von einer Prophezeiung von einer nordamerikanischen indigenen Sekte. Craig Minowa dazu: It’s a sect of ancient North American indigenous prophecies that have been eerily accurate so far. There’s an incredibly interesting analysis in the prophecies of the balance between technology and nature. In a nutshell, the prophecies indicate that human kind will go through a massive transition due to inability to control some of the unexpected aspects of technology. Those that survive will be those that know how to live off the land. I used it as a project name when I wrote the album “Who Killed... ~

Letzte Veröffentlichungen von Cloud Cult

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Konzerte von Cloud Cult

Tournee-Orte von Cloud Cult
14 Events in 2025
Omaha - The Waiting Room
The Waiting Room
6212 Maple Street, 68104 Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Detroit Lakes - 10,000 Lakes Festival
10,000 Lakes Festival
Soo Pass Ranch / WE Fest Amphitheatre Minnesota Highway 59, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, United States

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Songtexte von Cloud Cult

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