| Advent to Christmas Marlborough College Chapel Choir
Aufnahmeort und Datum Chapel of Marlborough College [2001] |  | |
| King's Christmas Collection King's College Choir of Cambridge
Aufnahmeort und Datum King's College Chapel, Cambridge, England [1964] |  | |
| The Voice of the Chorus Various Artists |  | |
| On Christmas Day The American Boychoir
Aufnahmeort und Datum Trinity Church, Princeton, NJ [1987] |  | |
| Christmas Carols Various Artists |  | |
| Sing Joy the Day: Christmas Carols from Ely Cathedral Various Artists |  | |
| Lauda Jerusalem Dominum David Russell |  | |
| Christmas Carols Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum London, Westminster Abbey [1984] |  | |
| James Galway's Christmas Carol James Galway
Aufnahmeort und Datum CBS Studio, London, England [1986] |  | |
| Christmas Music from King's King's College Choir of Cambridge
Aufnahmeort und Datum King's College Chapel, Cambridge, England [1964] |  | |
| Treasures of English Chamber Music The Cambridge Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum Lady Chapel Of Ely Cathedral [1982] |  | |
| Hymn & Chant & High Thanksgiving Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum The Sanctuary of Saint Paul's Cathedral [1999] |  | |
| Shades of Green: A Celebration of SacredT Trees Dorothy Papadakos |  | |
| Christmas Music From Eaton College Eton College Chapel Choir |  | |
| Christmas with the Academy Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields |  | |
| A Choirboy's Christmas: The Gold Collection Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Carols [Griffin] Martin Neary |  | |
| Faire is the Heaven: Music of the English Church The Cambridge Singers |  | |
| Along the Road to Bethlehem Toronto Children's Chorus
Aufnahmeort und Datum Metropolitan United Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada [1995] |  | - Komponist: Elizabeth Poston
- Fagott: Mitchell Clarke
- Horn: Harcus Hennigar
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Ben Heppner
- Cello: David Hetherington
- Violine, Geige: Jacques Israelievitch
- Harfe: Judy Loman
- Flöte: Virginia Markson
- Violine, Geige: Paul Meyer
- Klarinette: Joseph Orlowski
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Joel Quarrington
- Flöte: Nora Shulman
- Trompete: James Spragg
- Orchester: Toronto Symphony Orchestra
- Klarinette: Joaquin Valdepenas
- Trompete: Larry Weeks
- Piano, Klavier: Ruth Watson Henderson
- Fagott: Michael Sweeney
- Regisseur: Jean Ashworth Bartle
- Musikalischer Oberleiter: Jean Ashworth Bartle
- Musikdirektion: Jean Ashworth Bartle
- Englischhorn: Richard Dorsey
- Oboe: Richard Dorsey
- Violine, Geige: Carol Fujino
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: David Kent
- Viola, Bratsche: Mary Carol Nugent
- Violine, Geige: Wendy Rose
- Chor: Toronto Children's Choir
- Kinderchor: Stephen Wright
- Violine, Geige: Miho Hashizume
- Kinderchor: Andria Bulfon
- Kinderchor: Amber Johnson
- Kinderchor: Alessandra Nosko
- Kinderchor: Vanessa Wiley-Anderson
- Kinderchor: Abigail Wong
- Kinderchor: Katie Wylde
- Viola, Bratsche: Christopher Redfield
- Kinderchor: Jamie Edwards
- Kinderchor: Lisahall
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Mike Werner
- Kinderchor: Leah Fritsche
- Oboe: Frank Morphy
- Kinderchor: Miriam England
- Horn: John Watson
- Kinderchor: Alicia Lozon
- Kinderchor: Ashiq Aziz
- Kinderchor: Jackie Wylde
- Violine, Geige: My Hyon Kim
- Kinderchor: Jane Carmichael
- Cello: Audrey King
- Violine, Geige: Marc-Andre Savoie
- Kinderchor: Julie MacArthur
- Kinderchor: Alexandra Lobach
- Kinderchor: Alanna Staunton
- Kinderchor: Allison Tipler
- Kinderchor: Ashleigh Redfern
- Chor: The Toronto Children's Chorus Senior Choir
- Sopranist: Chelsey Schill
- Kinderchor: Heather Stewart
- Kinderchor: Aisha Talarico
| Choral Christmas Trinity Choir of Trinity Church, Boston
Aufnahmeort und Datum Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, Massachusettes [2000] |  | |
| Mittens for Christmas Kirkmount |  | |
| Traditional English Christmas Carols Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas in the Busch Harvard University Choir
Aufnahmeort und Datum Adolphus Busch Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA [2000] |  | - Komponist: Elizabeth Poston
- Diskant: David Willcocks
- Baß: Dennis Clark
- Chor: Harvard University Choir
- Violine, Geige: Robert Mealy
- Regisseur: Robert Mealy
- Orgel: Edward Jones
- Cembalo, Kielflügel: Edward Jones
- Sopranist: Awet Andemicael
- Orgel: Bennett
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Navaz Karanjia
- Baß: Jesse D. Billett
- Bariton: Jesse D. Billett
- Englischhorn: Alex Christensen
- Oboe: Alex Christensen
- Sopranist: Megan Anderson
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Nora Lehmann
- Flöte: Grace Kao
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Grace Kao
- Sopranist: Deborah Abel
- Bariton: Jonathan Brinton
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jonathan Brinton
- Violine, Geige: Brian Lee
- Viola, Bratsche: Adam Edwards
- Violine, Geige: Anthony Allen
- Baß: Dave Doherty
- Orchester: Harvard Baroque Chamber Orchestra
- Blechbläser., Blasinstrumente: Harvard Brass
- Sopranist: Karoun Demirjian
- Sopranist: Victoria DeMenil
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Kathryn Rose
- Orgel: Erica Johnson
- Sopranist: Margaret Darnton
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Norma Jiminez
- Baß: Aaron Griffith
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Elizabeth Bellows
- Englischhorn: P.J. DeMarco
- Oboe: P.J. DeMarco
- Sopranist: Kristin Hennings
- Englischhorn: Carla Martin
- Oboe: Carla Martin
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Frederick DuPuy
- Baß: Stephen Fleming
- Baß: Jason Wood
- Fagott: Kenneth William
- Sopranist: Laney McClain
- Viola, Bratsche: Emily Murphy
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: David Gunter
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Andrea Haehnel
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Zainab Magdon Ismail
- Sopranist: Virginia Hazel
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Peiyin Li
- Blockflöte: Joe Daniels
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Marguerite Cauble
- Baß: William Fleming
- Cembalo, Kielflügel: Willard Martin
- Horn: Johnathan McPhie
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Johnathan McPhie
- Baß: Neil Davidson
- Violine, Geige: Ben Jackson
- Cello: Kate Bennett
- Sopranist: Rachel Taylor
- Posaune: Alistair Eagle
- Gesangsdirektor: Stephen Hermes
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Jennifer Koo
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Ted Folkman
- Sopranist: Claire Eager
- Englischhorn: Teresa Lind
- Oboe: Teresa Lind
- Violine, Geige: Filbert Hong
- Baß: Seth Moulton
- Baß: Matthew Burt
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Kyla Christensen Szalanski
- Sopranist: Laura Bures
- Cello: Justin Haynes
- Violine, Geige: Annalise Nelson
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Alexandra C. Budabin
- Cello: Seth Ament
- Sopranist: Stella Christie
- Trompete: Catherine Evans
- Fagott: Seth Bechis
- Baß: Devin Howell
- Baß: Matt Daggett
- Sopranist: Anna Engstrom
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Claire Bowern
- Sopranist: Alice Farmer
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Veronique Griffithm
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Nathan Hill
- Sopranist: Genithia L. Hogges
- Violine, Geige: Wesley Chinn
- Sopranist: Helen Istvan
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Athena Kirk
- Baß: Christopher Diamond
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Anne Druckenbrod
- Sopranist: Sandi Davidson
- Sopranist: Faith Chyou
- Baß: Aaron Bartley
| Traditional & Modern Carols Pro Arte Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum Auer Concert Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN [1998] |  | |
| Joy to the World [Naxos] Various Artists |  | |