Felix Goebel-Komala
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Kompositionen von Felix Goebel-Komala
Werk | Epoche/Genre | |
Bright as Silver Pure as Gold | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Canticle from the Flames | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Fraction Rite: Lamb of God | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place, Psalm 84 | Choral | |
I Will Sing of Your Goodness, Psalm 89 | Choral | |
If Today You Hear God's voice, Psalm 95 | Choral | |
Litany of the Chosen One | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
My Inheritance, Psalm 16 | Choral | |
Pslam of Hope, Psalm 22 | Choral | |
Send Forth Your Spirit, Psalm 104 | Choral |