Think Like the Waves

Artist Gordon Grdina (Gordon Grdina/Gary Peacock/Paul Motian)
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Jazz
Label Songlines Recordings
Erschienen 08.08.2006


# Song Künstler Komponist Dauer
1   Yellow Spot into the Sun Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 5:58
2   Different Places Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 3:25
3   Platform Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 3:33
4   Renunciation Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 2:51
5   Morning Moon Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 3:00
6   Ginger Root Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 4:12
7   100 Years Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 5:40
8   Distant Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 6:02
9   Combustion Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 2:53
10   Think Like the Waves Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 6:05
11   Cobble Hill Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 4:18
12   Albert the Monk Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 4:22
13   String Quartet #6 Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 3:06
14   Strathcona Gary Peacock, Paul Motian, Gordon Grdina Gordon Grdina 2:57

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Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
08.08.2006 CD Songlines Recordings 1559