Harold Fraser-Simson

Geboren 15.08.1872 in London, England
Gestorben 19.01.1944 in Dalcross Castle, Inverness, Scotland
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Land Unbekannt


Harold Fraser-Simson war ein Komponist, der am 15.08.1872 in London, England geboren wurde. Die meisten Kompositionen von Harold Fraser-Simson sind der Epoche 'Modern' (1910-1949) zuzuordnen. ~ akuma.de

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Kompositionen von Harold Fraser-Simson

Werk Epoche/Genre
At the Zoo Modern
Vocal Music
Bad Sir Brian Modern
Vocal Music
Disobedience Modern
Vocal Music
Halfway Down Modern
Vocal Music
How Doth the Little Crocodile, song Modern
Vocal Music
If I were King Modern
Vocal Music
Lines and Squares Modern
Vocal Music
Lines Written By A Bear Of Very Little Brain, for voice & piano Modern
Vocal Music
Maid of the Mountains, operetta Modern
Market Square Modern
Vocal Music

» Alle Kompositionen von Harold Fraser-Simson anzeigen