Non-Western Classical Music

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Alle Veröffentlichungen in Non-Western Classical Music

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Album Künstler Jahr
Tibetan Chants for World Peace von Gyuto Monks Tantric ChoirTibetan Chants for World Peace von Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir
Tibetan Chants for World Peace
Gyuto Monks Tantric Choir 2008
Sacred Chants of Ancient India von Various ArtistsSacred Chants of Ancient India von Various Artists
Sacred Chants of Ancient India
Various Artists 2007
Asante Kete Drumming: Music of Ghana von Various ArtistsAsante Kete Drumming: Music of Ghana von Various Artists
Asante Kete Drumming: Music of Ghana
Various Artists 2007
World Music: Israel von Various ArtistsWorld Music: Israel von Various Artists
World Music: Israel
Various Artists 2006
Gold von Neville BrothersGold von Neville Brothers
Neville Brothers 2005
Native Visions: The Spiritual Sound of North Ameri von Various ArtistsNative Visions: The Spiritual Sound of North Ameri von Various Artists
Native Visions: The Spiritual Sound of North Ameri
Various Artists 2002
Thirty Years and Still Wild von Bo DollisThirty Years and Still Wild von Bo Dollis
Thirty Years and Still Wild
Bo Dollis 2002
Kid's Dance Express: Songs of the U.S.A. von Kids Dance PartyKid's Dance Express: Songs of the U.S.A. von Kids Dance Party
Kid's Dance Express: Songs of the U.S.A.
Kids Dance Party 2002
Voodoo Drums von Various ArtistsVoodoo Drums von Various Artists
Voodoo Drums
Various Artists 2001
Havana Cuba ca. 1957: Rhythms & Songs for Orishas von Various ArtistsHavana Cuba ca. 1957: Rhythms & Songs for Orishas von Various Artists
Havana Cuba ca. 1957: Rhythms & Songs for Orishas
Various Artists 2001
Matanzas, Cuba ca. 1957: Afro-Cuban Sacred Music von Various ArtistsMatanzas, Cuba ca. 1957: Afro-Cuban Sacred Music von Various Artists
Matanzas, Cuba ca. 1957: Afro-Cuban Sacred Music
Various Artists 2001
Tribal, Folk & Cafe Music of West Africa von Various ArtistsTribal, Folk & Cafe Music of West Africa von Various Artists
Tribal, Folk & Cafe Music of West Africa
Various Artists 2001
And Let Us Sing in Praise: Byzantine Hymns Recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier von Various ArtistsAnd Let Us Sing in Praise: Byzantine Hymns Recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier von Various Artists
And Let Us Sing in Praise: Byzantine Hymns Recorded in 1930 by Melpo Merlier
Various Artists 2000
One Sound von Various ArtistsOne Sound von Various Artists
One Sound
Various Artists 2000
Sacred Music of the World: Ceremonial Songs & Dances from 30 Cultures von Various ArtistsSacred Music of the World: Ceremonial Songs & Dances from 30 Cultures von Various Artists
Sacred Music of the World: Ceremonial Songs & Dances from 30 Cultures
Various Artists 2000
Chants and Music from Buddhist Temples von Various ArtistsChants and Music from Buddhist Temples von Various Artists
Chants and Music from Buddhist Temples
Various Artists 2000
Burkina Faso: Lobi Country von Various ArtistsBurkina Faso: Lobi Country von Various Artists
Burkina Faso: Lobi Country
Various Artists 2000
Mass In Yaounde von Various ArtistsMass In Yaounde von Various Artists
Mass In Yaounde
Various Artists 2000
Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang, Vol. 2 von Various ArtistsSacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang, Vol. 2 von Various Artists
Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea: Madang, Vol. 2
Various Artists 1999
Chinese Festival von Various ArtistsChinese Festival von Various Artists
Chinese Festival
Various Artists 1999
Anthology of World Music: The Music of Tibetan Buddhism von Various ArtistsAnthology of World Music: The Music of Tibetan Buddhism von Various Artists
Anthology of World Music: The Music of Tibetan Buddhism
Various Artists 1999
Zaghareed von El-FunounZaghareed von El-Funoun
El-Funoun 1999
Music of India: Ritual Percussion Kerala, Vol. 1 von Various ArtistsMusic of India: Ritual Percussion Kerala, Vol. 1 von Various Artists
Music of India: Ritual Percussion Kerala, Vol. 1
Various Artists 1999
Tibetan Mysteries von Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling MonasteryTibetan Mysteries von Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery
Tibetan Mysteries
Monks of the Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery 1999
Music of Indonesia, Vol. 19: Maluku -- Halmahera, Buru, Kei von Various ArtistsMusic of Indonesia, Vol. 19: Maluku -- Halmahera, Buru, Kei von Various Artists
Music of Indonesia, Vol. 19: Maluku -- Halmahera, Buru, Kei
Various Artists 1999
[Zeige 1-25 von 106] 12345»